11. Words cut deeper than knives

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Phillip called me early this morning asking about the paintings. I told him to come by and pick them up. I forced myself out of bed and got dressed. Even though Phillip didn't look like the type of person who cared for appearance, I didn't want to give him the impression that I'm a slob. A loud knock at the door startled me, I ran to the door and opened it. "Good morning (Y/n)", he greeted with a cheerful smile on his face. "G'morning", I reply. I let him in and showed him around my apartment, his eyes widened at the amount of art that was spread around. "I knew that you liked art but I didn't think it meant this much to you". I nodded in agreement. When he was finished admiring the art on the walls of the main rooms I brought him into my art room. "This is where I paint everything", I say. He nods and goes over to the easel admiring the image that it held. It was an image of two silhouettes, one was a boy and the other was a girl. They were in different places yet standing beside each other. The only colors where red which were in the shape of lipstick marks. One on the girls lips and another on the boys cheek.

Phillip looked back at me with a smile. "This is you and the blonde boy isn't it". I blushed and tried to come up with an excuse but only managed to let out a jumble of random letters and half formed words. I just closed my failure of a mouth and nodded. He smiled again and ruffled my hair. "You two would make a cute couple". If possible I would've gone redder.

Phillip took several different pieces of my art and headed out of the door, just as I was about to close the door Sai came to view. "Hey (Y/n)", he greeted. I waved and smiled at him. He came inside and waited for me to get ready, I had spent so long talking to Phillip that I didn't realize the time.

Sai and I arrived at school both laughing. I held my sides and tried to calm my self down but it wasn't working. I saw Deidara look over and I sent him a small smile, making sure that Pein wouldn't notice. Sai cracked another joke and I couldn't help but laugh out loud again. Several people raised their eyebrows while others smiled at my sudden outburst. "Calm down (Y/n) I don't think its that funny", Sai giggled. I began breathing slowly to try calm myself, I was relieved when it worked. "So what do you have first?", he asks. "I have math". "Good luck", he says with a closed eyed smile. He ruffles my hair and I happily do it back. The bell rings and everyone heads to class rushing to avoid being yelled at, however you didn't seem to care.

"Why are you late?", Mr Hatake asks you. "Uh I dunno I guess I got lost on the path of life", I say with a happy smile. He rolls his eyes and points to my seat. I walk over to it and sit down. Deidara and Kisame smile at me. "Do you want to hang out after school, un?", Deidara asks you. You nod. "OK meet me at the bus stop". "Sure". He blushes and quickly looks away. I quickly finish all of my math work and pull out my sketchbook. I tap my chin with my pencil, scanning the room for something to draw. I see Kiba sitting a few desks ahead of me with his dog, Akamaru, sitting in his lap. No matter how many times the teachers tells him he still brings Akamaru to school. I draw two wolves sitting face to face with their foreheads pressed together, the full moon behind them. When I finish I smile down at my creation. "Wow its beautiful", Deidara compliments. I blush and look down at my piece again. I pick my pencil up and write in the bottom corner.

'To Deidara From (Y/n)'

I pull the page from my sketchbook and hand it to him. He smiles down at the picture. "Thank you (Y/n), un". I blush and force myself to look away. "Uh no problem". Kisame winks at me and gives me a toothy smirk. "Can you three stop talking, you're disrupting my lesson", Mr Hatake complains. "Uh sorry about that", you sweatdrop. The teacher finishes his explanation and then sits at his desk reading his perverted book.


The day went so fast and before you knew it the bell for the end of the day went. The students stood and began making their way out of the classrooms into the crowded hall. About 5 minutes later I arrived at the exit, I sighed in relief. I walk down the street towards the bus stop, I smile when I see a head of blonde hair. "Hey Barbie", you giggle. Deidara rolls his eyes and stands to meet you half way. "Where do you want to hang out?", I asks him. We walk down the street waiting for his answer. "Can we just hang out at your apartment and watch movies?", he suggests. "Sure thing".

Paint your pain (Deidara x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now