13. An invitation

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I woke up super early and couldn't get back to sleep. Inconvenient right? I got up and forced myself into the kitchen. After eating I walk into my art room and prepare my easel for my new piece. It was a birds eye view of me laying unconscious on my hospital bed, where my heart would be was a bared window. Where my conscious self gripped the bars with tears dripping down her face. Once I had finished it I stood back a bit and examined it. Something was wrong, it was missing something. But what? Suddenly it came to me, I picked up the paint brush and began drawing a hand in mine. I smiled and then giggled at the image. Everything was trapped inside and because I was unconscious I couldn't tell him how I truly felt. I jumped when I heard a loud knock at the door. I swung it open and grinned at the man who stood before me.

"Hey Phillip", I wave. He smiles and hands me an envelope. "We were very impressed with your art and hope that tomorrow you can make it to the exhibition". My eyes widen and I begin laughing. "Oh my god really?". "Yep, you have great potential and want to wish you good luck for the future of your career in art". I open the envelope in my hands and read the letter inside.

Dear (Y/n) (L/n)

We are delighted to inform you that your art will be shown at  the Konaha art gallery exhibition. It will be taken place at 6:30pm tomorrow night. We hope that you can join us in the celebration of art. You may bring a guest of your choosing if you wish, please inform us if you are coming so that we can have a car pick you up before the event.

Thank you

I smiled down at the letter and then looked up Phillip. "So are you gonna go?", he asks. I nod my head and let out a small giggle. "Is the blonde gonna be your plus one?". "Yeah he is". "Well good luck, the car should arrive tomorrow night at 6:15pm". He started to walk away, happily waving at me. I was about to close the door but stopped half way when I saw a familiar face further down the hall way. "Do you think she will be here?", one asked. "Of course she will, believe it!", another yelled. They turned towards me and charged full speed. "(Y/n)!!", they squealed, tackling me in a hug. "Hey guys", I giggle. Naruto, Hinata, Lee, Tenten, Ino and Sakura are all hugging me, not wanting to let go. Suddenly someones hand connects with my face, Sakura glares at me with watery eyes. I rub my red cheek and sigh. "I guess I deserve that". They hug me again. "I'm sorry I didn't really get to hang out with you guys when I woke up I was a little bit preoccupied", I blush. "Yeah making out with my cousin", Ino snickers. Sai comes over and hugs me. "It nice to see you when your face isn't connected to his", he chuckles. I blush even redder. "So whats that?", Tenten asks, pointing to the letter in my hand. "Oh this is an invitation to an art exhibition tomorrow night". "Why would you be going to that?", Naruto asks. "Well they are showing a few of my pieces". "Wow that is so cool! Can I come?!". I shake my head. "Sorry I can only bring one guest and that will be Deidara". "Ok fine but if he is sick or something let me know so that I can come!", He exclaims. "I think that Sai would be my choice if Dei can't come", I giggle. "Oh why not me?", Naruto asks, pouting. "Because Sai is actually into art". "I like art". Naruto crosses his arms and turns his face."Yeah I'll let you know when there is a ramen exhibition". "THEY HAVE RAMEN EXHIBITIONS!!". "No they don't".

After hanging out with the others for a couple hours they all decided that they should leave. I waved them out the door and closed it behind them. Next I picked up my phone and dialed in Dei's number.

D- Hello?
Y- Hey its (Y/n)
D- Oh hey, how are you feeling?
Y- A lot better
D- Good to hear
Y- Anyway tomorrow there is an art exhibition and they invited me to it
D- That's cool, but why would they invite you?
Y- They are showing a few of my pieces
D- Awesome, I wish I could come
Y- That's why I called you baka, I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one
D- Sooooo a date?
Y- You could say that
D- Sure thing, do you wanna hang out today?
Y- Dei its five o'clock
D- We can watch movies all night and have a sleepover
Y- Are you sure that you're a boy?
D- Yes I am sure
Y- Ok come over whenever
D- I'm half way there
D- I'm in the car
Y- Well see ya soon
D- I'm here
Y- Bii

I put down the phone and opened the door to see Deidara just about to knock. "Good morning", he smirks. I raise an eyebrow. What do you mean?", I ask. "So you don't realize that your in your pajamas". I look down at myself and blush. "Oh shit everyone saw me in my pajamas". Dei comes in and closes the door behind him, then makes his way over to me. He wraps arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. His body pressed up against mine, his touch sent shivers down my spine. "I love you", he whispers, leaning in. I meet his lips half way and we share a passionate kiss. A few minutes later we pull away gasping for breath. "I love you too". He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Do you wanna watch a movie?", I ask. He nods and we sit down on the couch. He lays down and I rest my head on his chest. I smile when I hear his heartbeat faster, his arms wrap around my waist and I fall asleep before the movie even begins.

Ugh finally done that chapter. Sorry if not much stuff happened, just deal with it. Haha jk. Right now I am forcing myself to watch more Naruto shipuuden, I haven't finished it yet and I need to. It just drags on for a bit so I have taken a break and started watching Yuri! on ice, its actually pretty good. I'm also gonna start watching gravity falls, I mean I've seen lots of different episodes but not in order so I'm missing a lot of the story. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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