15. Never again (Final chapter)

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It was Friday morning and I had never been happier. I got out of bed and sat in front of my mirror, brushing through my (h/c) hair. I got dressed and ate breakfast. I then patiently sat on my couch watching Tv, waiting for Sai to show up.

It was about half an hour before I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door, but it wasn't who I expected it to be. "Dei... What are you doing here?", you ask. "Well I've come to walk my beautiful girlfriend to school, is that alright with you?". I know that Deidara and I are dating but he can always make me blush. "No problems here, I just was expecting someone else". "And who is that?". "I dunno maybe Sai, the guy I walk to school with everyday", I giggle. He rolls his eyes and pulls me into a tight embrace. "Too bad, you're all mine". My face grew even hotter than before. Dei pressed his lips against my forehead, inhaling the sweet scent of my hair. "I love you", he whispers. I look up and connect our lips. "I love you too... Barbie". He rolls his eyes again. "Yeah yeah, come on lets go, we don't wanna be late for school". I nod and follow him out the door. Today everything is going to be different.

Dei and I walked down the busy streets of town, journeying towards school. I was actually surprised at the amount of people in town at this time of the morning. "Hey I wanna take you somewhere before school", he says. I smile and give him an approving nod. He takes my hand in his and leads me down a familiar street. "Where are we going?", you ask. "Its a surprise". Just from his saying that I knew exactly where we were going. A few minutes later I saw a familiar cafe in the distance. Deidara met my gaze and gave me a sweet smile. He gently squeezed my hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb. We approached the cafe and walked through the door. As soon as my eyes met the walls they filled with tears. Like always they were covered from top to bottom in art, but today it was different. Today it was your art. All of the pieces from the art gallery decorated the walls. "W-why?" you stutter. "Because you are a talented artist and I want everyone to see how amazing you are". I turned to look at Dei, his arms wrapped around my waist and mine hung loosely around his neck. His sapphire blue eyes stared into my (e/c) ones. "And I love you". He closed the gap between our faces, giving me a breathtaking, passionate kiss. We then heard giggles coming from behind the counter. We separated and turned our heads to see Sam giggling. "Wow you two are so adorable, I can't believe my brother actually had the guts to ask you out". I blushed and gave Sam a small smile. "Now that your all happy and stuff, do you want a drink to take with you". We both nod and sit in our usual booth waiting for Sam. 

"So you do like it?". I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. "I can't give myself all of the credit though, Sam and my Mom helped me set it up". "Well I will be sure to thank both of them", I giggle. I peck Dei's cheek, leaving him in a flustered state. I got out of my seat and walked over to Sam who was making the drinks. She placed the two drinks on the counter and gave me a small smile. "There you go". She was no longer behind the counter so I gave her a big hug. "Thank you", I whisper. She giggles and ruffles my hair. "Anything for my little brother, please keep that idiot out of trouble". "Don't worry, I will". She smiles and pets my head. "Good, its finally nice to see my brother happy". I looked up at her and noticed that her eyes were watery. I hug her again. "Come on (Y/n) lets go", Dei says, grabbing my hand. I take my drink and wave to Sam as I am dragged out the cafe. "Don't forget to invite me to the wedding!", she laughs, waving back at me. 

Dei and I disappeared around a corner, now on our way to school. The morning was very cold so the hot drink made we feel a lot better. As well as the warmth Dei gave to me, my hand in his. We walked to school casually chatting, having no idea what would happen next. 

It only took 10 minutes to get to school and by then we had finished our drinks. We chucked the disposable cups away and walked into school. Everyone looked at our connected hands and gasped. "Do you think they're together?". "I think they are so cute!". "I heard that she tried to kill herself". Those were the thing I heard as we walked into school. I saw my locker and walked over with Dei. "Hey I'll be back I just gotta grab something from my locker". I nod and wave as he walks away. I unlocked my locker and pulled out the books that I would need. I jumped in fright when I closed my locked door, someone was standing behind it. "Hello there little miss undead", Pein smirked. I took a step back and tried to get away but Pein slammed me up against my locker, making drop my books. "Why aren't you dead? Why are you still here!?", he yells in my face. "I-I don't know", I stutter. "I told you that you are going to die and if you don't kill yourself then I'm gonna have to do it". I shook in fear as I watched Pein's hand disappear into his pocket and then come out with a pocket knife in it. "P-please stop, w-what did I do to you?". "What do you mean? You don't remember what you did to my father!". "I-I don't know, What d-d-did I do?", you whimper. "You put him in jail you whore!", he yelled, forcefully shoving me against the locker.

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