6. Restart my heart

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I woke up laughing. A giant grin spread across my face, my cheeks heated when I remembered the hug. I hid my face in my pillow and giggled. I heard the familiar knock on my door, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. Sai smiled at me. "You look happy this morning", he chuckled. You giggled and nodded your head. "Why is that?". I don't answer, just head into my room to get changed. I come out a few minutes later and sit on my couch next to Sai. "I know something happened", he smiles. "Yeah...", I trail off. He noticed I wasn't really paying attention and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked at him. "What?". "You seem a little distracted", he says. I sigh and nod. "Yeah but don't worry about it, I promise you it's nothing bad". He smiles and stands up, then offers me a hand. "Come on, if we don't leave now we are gonna be late". We walk out of my apartment and journey towards school.

Time skip

When we arrived at school I was nearly tipped over by Naruto. "Can't wait to hang out tonight!", he exclaims. I noticed that his yelling gathered a lot of unwanted attention, the Akatsuki looked over at us. I smiled at Deidara and he waved back. "What time do you want us to come over?", Shikamaru asks. I shrug. "Whenever, I've got no other plans". They all nod and plan to come over at 6, while the girls decide to come over a little bit earlier. The bell rings and I head to English.

Time skip

The day ends and I smile when I hear the bell. I pick up my books and shove them into my bag, then walk out. I was almost out of school when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and smiled when I saw it was Deidara. "Hey Dei". "Hey (y/n)", he smiles. "What's up?". "Well I was heading in the same direction as your apartment so I was wondering if I could walk you there". I nodded and we walked down the street with Deidara beside me. "So I heard your hanging out with Naruto and the others tonight", he said breaking the silence. "Uh yeah, they all wanted to see my art and so we are just gonna hang out at my apartment ". He nods and stares forward. I do the same, looking down at my shoes lightly smiling. I noticed that Deidara keeps looking at me, I look up and meet his gaze. He quickly looks away, hiding his heated cheeks. "Why do you keep staring at me?", you giggle. He shrugs his shoulders and clears his throat. "Sorry I didn't realise I was staring". I gazed deep into his baby blue eyes and then gave him a closed eye smile. "It's fine".

It had been 10 minutes and you finally made it to your apartment, holding light conversation with Deidara. There were a few silences but nothing too awkward. You got to your apartment door and you smiled at him. "Thank you for walking me home, it's nice to have someone to walk with", you say. He nods. "It's my pleasure, uh maybe we could hang out this weekend,un?". "Sounds like fun, call me". You give him one last wave before you head into your apartment and close the door. You lay face down in your bed and giggle, thinking about the events of the day. I got up and began cleaning my apartment, getting it ready for the others. You had been cleaning for about half an hour when you needed a break, you wiped the sweat from your forehead and headed for your art room. You put a blank canvas on the easel and squeezed several different coloured paints onto your pallet. You dipped your brush in the smooth paint and  gently stoked the canvas with it. You could see the image in your mind, a silhouette of a girl with a bright light bulb where her heart should be. I smiled down at my creation and jumped ten feet in the air when I heard the door bell. I answered it and was greeted by four smiling girls. Sakura, Ino, Tenten and Hinata. "Come in", I giggle. They walk in and I close the door behind them. Before I can say anything the girls begin exploring my apartment. "Wow I love your apartment", Sakura smiles. I blush and walk back into my art room. They follow me and gawk at all of my pieces. "W-wow (y/n) I didn't know you were this talented", she said while running her fingers over a canvas. "Thank you, I don't get many compliments", you mumble. The four girls stop in front of your newest piece with mischievous grins on their faces. "What's this?", Ino asks pointing to the piece. "That's my new piece, I finished it just before you got here". "When did you start it?", Sakura asks. "When I got home". "After you walked home with Deidara?", Hinata questions. "Yeah... Where is this going?". "I dunno, but it seems to be pointing in the direction of you liking him", Ino giggled. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "W-what no I don't like him", you stutter. "Sure you don't", Sakura winks. I sigh and hid my face in my hands. "So you do like him!", Tenten exclaims. "Well I don't know...". "Tell us everything!". I tucked a loose stand of hair behind my ear. "We were made art partners so hung out and did our project until we finished it, then the next day he wanted to hang out so we did. Afterwards he walked me home and I unconsciously hugged him". "You hugged him!", Sakura screamed. I nodded and watched as the girls freaked out.

This continued for another five minutes until Sakura stopped it. "OK tomorrow we are all hanging out". We nod. "Now we have to get you ready", she says. "What do you mean?". "Well if you haven't noticed, you are covered in paint. So have a shower and we will go through your clothes and choose your outfit". You nod and head to the bathroom.

Time skip

I get out of the shower and walk out of the bathroom in my towel. "Have you chosen an outfit yet?", you ask. They nod and hand you a pair of light blue jeans and a long sleeved, shoulder less white top. I get changed in my room and leave in the clothes. The girls smirk at their creation. "You look hot", Ino says. I blush and look away. "Y-you look really pretty", Hinata giggles. I thank them for their compliments and sit next to the girls. The blonde jumps up in excitement when she comes up with an idea. "Let's take a selfie!". "What, why?", you ask raising an eyebrow. "Well I can post it on Instagram and Deidara will see it", she smirked. "How do you know he will see it?", Sakura asks. "He's my cousin and he is usually on his phone about now". Just as she said that my phone buzzed, I pulled it out and saw that I had a message from him. "Wow that is so creepy", you giggle. Ino pulls out her phone and we all pose, I give a cute closed eye smile while pulling the peace sign with both hands. Ino smiles at the picture and then shows it to you, it looked really nice. She posts it with the caption 'fun with the girls'. We sat around chatting for a couple more minutes but stopped when we heard a knock at the door. I walked up to the door and opened it only to be tackled by Naruto. "Ow what was that for?", you complained. "Oh sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to hurt you", he said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He stood up and then offered you a hand. You accepted it and he pulled you up. His eyes traveled from yours and then down your body. "You look really nice tonight", he said. I blushed and took a step back. "Uh thanks Naruto, you too". You ran away and hid behind the girls, they just giggled, except Hinata who looked sadly at the ground. The others came in and looked around the apartment, admiring the art that decorated it. "Wow your so talented!", Naruto exclaimed. My cheeks heated up and and I giggled. "Uh thanks". They all moved into my art room and Shikamaru smirked when he saw the piece on the easel. "So who do you like?", he asks. "Uh no one", you say. He rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets. "Some of us may be oblivious but we aren't idiots".

We spent the rest of the night talking and listening to music. We ordered pizza which Kiba was forced into paying for. I got up with the girls for a bit and we danced. I felt really uncomfortable around Sasuke, he was always staring at me and he even came up to me and told me I looked beautiful. I thanked him for the compliment and tried to keep my distance from him but he wouldn't leave me. I managed to hang out with Sakura and Ino who were Sasuke repellent, also Hanging out with Naruto had the same effect. Everyone left at around midnight, leaving me alone in my apartment. I changed into my pajamas and face planted on my bed, falling asleep.

I finally planned out this story, there should be at least 10 more chapters. I love this story and can't wait to write more about my boi Deidara. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

Paint your pain (Deidara x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now