10. You came back...

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It was a morning like any other. Well that was a lie, I was tired and upset. I had cried myself to sleep last night, hating everything. I sighed when I heard the knock at the door. I got up and walked over to the door, my blanket draped over my shoulders. I opened the door and didn't even bother to look up. "I'm sorry Sai I'm not coming to school today", I said. He didn't say anything. I looked up and was shocked to see that it wasn't Sai standing outside my apartment, it was Deidara. He looked terrible, his hair was messy and he had dark circles under his eyes adding to his black one. "Dei?". His gaze met mine, his blue eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't want him to hurt you", he cried, releasing the tears. It hurt seeing him in this state. I ran at him wrapping him in a hug, my cheek pressed up against his chest. "Don't worry I forgive you". Tears slipped out of my own eyes. Deidara pulled away and cupped my cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb. I could feel out faces getting closer, his lips nearly touching mine. My heart was about to burst out of my chest. Then my phone when off. That's right, what a way to kill the mood. I pull away with pink check and answer.

Y- Hello?
S- Hey (Y/n) its Sasuke
Y- Oh hey Sasuke
S- I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school
Y- Uh I'm sorry I have plans
S- Oh sorry maybe some other time?
Y- Uh maybe
S- I'll see you later
Y- Bii
(Y- You, S- Sasuke)

I ended the call and sighed. Ever since I had met the Uchiha he has been flirting with me and trying to get my attention. He was acting as annoying as his fangirls and I was hating him for it. "Who was that?", Deidara asks. I blush and tuck my phone in my pocket. "It was Sasuke". He frowned at the mentioning of the Uchiha's name. "What did he want?". "He asked if I wanted to hang out with him after school". I saw that Deidara's body tense. "What did you say?". "I said I was busy". "Are you really though?". "Yep I'm gonna hang out with you", I giggle. He blushes a bit but manages to get rid of it. "But if Pein sees us together he will hurt you". "But he won't see us". He smirks and pushes me into my room. "Come on get ready, if you don't we are going to be late". I giggle and nod, beginning to get ready.

Ten minutes later we walk out the door, Deidara was holding our project in his arms. "What do we need that for?", I ask. "Its due today, lucky I came or else you would've left it behind". My cheeks heat up, I try to hide them but Deidara sees. "Your so cute when you blush, un". I blush even more and he lets out a soft chuckle.

We get to school and Deidara hands me the project, Pein glares at us. Deidara walks towards the Akatsuki. "What the fuck were you doing with her?", Pein spat. "I had to get our art project, the stupid bitch forgot it". It hurt Deidara to say such things about her but he knew he didn't mean it. Pein smirked and ruffled Dei's already messy hair. "See I told you you didn't need that whore". Dei sent me a small smile before talking with the rest of his friends.

I walked over to my friends, making sure to keep Ino and Sakura close. I could feel Sasuke's hungry eyes wander my body, it sent unpleasant shivers down my spine. I sat next to Hinata and she gave me a few pieces of candy which I happily ate. I put a lollypop in my mouth gently sucking it. I looked up only to be met with the onyx eyes of the Uchiha, I could see the desire and lust in them. He may have most other girls falling head over heels for him but I knew that I didn't want him. I left my friends to go to my locker, the worst decision of my life. I noticed a certain raven haired boy following me. I tried to walk faster but there was no point. I slowed down as I met my locked. I opened it and put my stuff inside it, taking out a few books and my pencil case. I close it and turn around only to be roughly slammed into the lockers. I open my eyes and see Sasuke with his body sandwiching me between the lockers. "What are you doing?", you complain, struggling from him. "I'm claiming what is mine", he smirked, diving into your neck. He nibbled at the soft flesh earning a quiet moan from me. I was so happy no one was in the halls to see this, but I wished someone was there to stop him. "Sasuke get off me". "You like it don't you?". "No I don't just please get off", I beg on the brink of tears. He pulls away with a smirk. "I'll be back to claim you later", he winked. I felt like I was going to cry, I ran into the girls bathroom to clean myself up and then headed to class.

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