The Start of Everything

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October 31. Tha day everything started to take a turn for the worst. Lily and James had just left the house and there two sweet twins with there best friend Peter's capable hands. They needed to go to an Order meeting. Them and the Longbottems had been skipping most of the recent meetings because of Harriet and Max there twins and the Longbottems new son Neville.
1 hours after they left
Peter heard a knock at the door knowing it was his master, the dark lord himself. Shakingly he got up from the couch in the Potters living room and opened the door. Voldemort was disgusted by the way the rat acted, but he was there secret keeper therefore the only one who could get him to the retched house so he could kill the insesent child. When he reached the nursery he saw both children, not knowing for sure which child was
prophosied to kill him he started to inspect them. Once the red headed one seen him he started to cry, but the girl just stared, almost as if she could see your soul, her eyes the color of the avada kadavra curse. Right then he knew which child he needed to kill. He raised his wand and let the words fall effortlesly off of his lips. Barley audible saying the words nobody had ever escaped. Avada Kadavra. Only while the green light sped towards the child it stopped, midair, and just turned around. In a last ditch effort to confuse the old goat shot a slicing curse towards the read headed twin causing the child to yell even louder. That was the where voldemort departed his body. Screaming so loud it made the room start to shake. Harriet passed out at that moment from magical exhaustion, hoping her twin was all right.
Meanwhile at the Grimwaulds Place
James started to hear a weird beeping noise. Looking down he realised it was the wards he yelled over to Lily "Lily, he's there. Peter betrayed us." Almost instantley almost everyone in the order apparated to Godrics Hollow. James and Lily ran to the house, hoping beyond hope there babys were ok. When they heard the crying of there precious son they ran into the nursery seeing the big V shaped gash on his forehaed and the lightning shaped one on Harriet they turned to Dumbledore who had followed them in. They saw the black cloack when they turned. Each of them holding one twin, they asked the million dollar question "Which one defeated he-who-must-not-be-named?" Dumbledore looked at Max's scar and said "Max is the boy who lived. Harriet must of passed out from the amount of dark magic she was exposed to."

And that day was the day that things turned bad. The promise James and Lily had made on July 31 that there twins would be treated the same was thrown out the window. From that day on they treated Harriet like a slave. Lily always thought that house elves shouldn't be treated badly, but she didn't have anything against using harriet to clean and cook for them.

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