Past Time Fun

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Harriet loved it here in the past. She got to learn all new types of magic. She got to learn parsle magic from Salazar, hand to hand from Godric, healing from Helga, and charms from Rowena. While they had to teach there students she could sit in and learn with the other grades. While she was 5 years younger than the first years she could still keep up with them. She made friends with everyone, and would alternate which table she ate at each week. By the time she was 9 she had surpassed the curriculum at Hogwarts, and would just be in the library when the founders where in class. This became such a regular thing that the 1st and 2nd years would come to her during there brakes if they needed help with a subject. Once a month Merlin would come and teach her elemental magic. She had finally mastered all of the elements. For her 9th birthday she got to learn how to become an anamegi (turn into an animal) from Godric and Helga. She ended up sitting and meditateing for 5 hours. When she stopped everyone surrounded her and made sure she was ok. Once everyone stopped worrying they asked the big question. What was her anemegi form? Her response was one nobody had ever thought it would be. "I'm a shadow and water hipogriff." (See picture above for description) The reason everyone was so suprised was because nobody had seen one in many years. Most people thought they were extinct. When she transformed everyones mouth just dropped. She was extremely beautiful in this form. She started to fly around the room in pure bliss, just enjoying the feel of the wind rushing against her feathers. She landed gracefully and turned back to her human form. Everyone was suprised when her hair was darker as well as her eyes turning an even darker green.

 Everyone was suprised when her hair was darker as well as her eyes turning an even darker green

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Skip to 11th birthday
Today was the last day harriet would spend in the past. Merlin would be transporting her back to Potter manor. Harriet had tried to get out of going to Potter manor, but everytime she asked he just said that she had some stupid destiny to fill and she couldn't do it without living with her parents and twin. The founders said that she would get a big joint gift from them all. To say she was suprised when they said they wanted to make her there heir would be a great understatemtent. She was ecstatic about the fact that they trusted her to give there family prestigue. She would most likely be the richest person alive when she goes back to her time. Not only did the founders give her there heirship, but Merlin gave her a key to his book vault. As long as she returned the books she would be allowed to read from all of them. Sadly at 5:00 she had to leave. Back to her abusive parents, egotistical brother, and sucky life. A light covered her and she was transported back to the future.
Sorry gotta leave a cliffhanger I can't think of anything else to write.

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