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AN: okay so I completely lost interest in writing this fic but I have been getting alot of comments of people asking me to update so I figured I could add one last chapter to sort of rap it up.

ps. This is how I picture Myrriden and Harriet when they grow up because obviously...

Harriet grows up alongside Max and as the years go by people start to realize that Max really isn't as powerful as he was thought to be. As people start to realize this they turn to Harriet to save them but she had grown slightly bitter. Thankfully she has her boyfriend Myridden to fall back on when she is feeling particularly vengeful and he makes sure that she doesn't go off on anyone.

Mind you people don't start giving up on Max until the Tri Wizard Tournament when he completely loses in everything managing to do worse than even Fleur did. Harriet also doesn't get with Myrriden until 4th year as they finally start realizing how much they need eachother. It also helps that the majority of the year is spent making sure that Max doesn't actually die.

When the Order is put together the adults still believe that it is Max that will save them, that is all of the adults except for Snape, Remus, and Sirius. These three make sure that Harriet knows everything that is going on because while they do still believe that Max is the chosen one they also know that if they only rely on him Voldemort will defenitely win.

Eventually Voldemort comes back and by this point Harriet has been preparing for so long that she would have been able to just go and kill him but sadly with Dumbledores meddling she has to follow her brother and make sure the horicruxes actually end up destroyed but at the same time she has to pretend to still be in school. She is helped greatly by Myrriden who helps transport her back and forth between the school and wherever her brother and his friends have gone at the time. In the end she kills Voldemort in front of the whole school and they realize that they had been worshiping the wrong person because while Max had passed out not a minute into fighting Voldemort, Harriet had managed to kill Voldemort within a minute of throwing up her wand. When he finally dies everyone just sorta stares because how could this girl who had supposedly only gotten minimal trainning been able to do something that her own brother had spent years training to do and failed at.

After defeating Voldemort everyone tried to get her attention and started to hate on Max, that is everyone except her parents who said it was her fault that their baby was being forgotten, but by this point in her life she couldn't care less about what her parents thought and just wanted to finish school. All of the kids were asked to repeat the last year, including her and Myrriden. Now that everyone paid attention to her they realized how stupid they had been because where her brother just about failed every year she was the number one every year and somehow did every spell perfectly and so did her boyfriend.

Once graduated she was able to go into whatever field she wanted to but she decided to go into the ministry and eventually working up to being the minister of magic at the young age of 25. Although before she reached that position Myrriden and her got married. The two both agreed that while children were cute that was not something that they really wanted and decided on having two dogs and a cat and that was enough for them. While Myrriden and Harriet both worked in the ministry due to having such good grades Max was left in the dust. He eventually managed to get a job as an auror but that was mainly due to James still favoring him. After becoming minister James and Lily tried to become friends with her again but she made sure they knew she wasn't going to be giving them nor Max anything, no matter how much they begged.

In the end she had a good long life with Myrriden and even got to visit a couple different time with Merlin before finally dying at the prime age of 70 due to going missing 😉. People also now know that Hogwarts had two extra founders who didn't come until later but had left a beautiful mark.

AN: Welp I hope that gives some people some solace. Sorry for leaving it for so long but I honestly hate this story and don't even like it anymore but it is what it is. Enjoy the completed version.

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