When we were Younger

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4 years later
Harriet's POV
Dear diary,
Today was really bad. I thought since me and max are twins and both born on the same day July 31, that we shared a birthday, but I was wrong. I came down and seen Max eating a piece of so I asked "if I could have a slice of cake since it's my birthday?" I was yelled at by my mother, her telling me I was a worthless piece of shit and that I am lucky to even get a room here, but sadly that was the good part of the day. My father had heard what I did and started throwing me around and kicking my. While all of this was going on I thought Max would tell them to stop since he was my twin, but I was sadly mistaken. Instead he was laughing at me.
1 week later
This is what made me realize that if I want anything in this life i'm going to have to get it myself. Right now I am in the library trying to find some easy spells to learn. They all say I need a wand, but i've been able to do wandless magic before, and for me it's easier without one.
1  1/2 years later
It's christmas day, and I just finished the last of the 7th year Hogwarts books. I don't know why it says it for 7th years I was able to do all of this pretty easily. If it wouldn't have been for chores and punishments I would have been done quicker. Thankfully since it's christmas holiday and mother can't leave school (she took over charms after professor Flitwick retired 2 years ago) I can just read. The next day I was cleaning the floorin the living room when uncle siri came in. I haven't directly seen him since I was 3. Ever since he read that one book to me Father has always said I was at camp or something. I was very curious as to why uncle siri would have come when he knew mother and father always left on christmas vacation. When he saw me cleaning he seemed genuily suprised. So i got up apologized for being in his way and went to go clean another part of the house before I was cut off by him running and hugging me. I was very suprised since I hadn't been hugged in a very... long time and I accidently stiffened. Thanfully he didn't notice, and instead just started hounding me with questions. So I said what father told me to say "Sorry I i'm grounded for flying so I have to clean the whole 1st floor, and not talk to anyone until i'm finished." Thank god uncle siri bought what I said and left or I would of had a hard time explaing my life. The next day when everyone got home from vacation was a bad day. Father had found out tha.t I had talked to Padfoot as he liked to call him, and started to beat me. Apparently the ride home had been stressful so he needed to vent, and I was the best target. If it wasn't for this weird ball of light that surrounded me I would have died. Somehow I was transported to some wierd place with four people, 2 men and 2 women. They all jumped when they saw me, but that was the last thing I remember before blacking out.
3rd person POV 5 minutes before Harriet arrived
"I think i'm going to die of boredome."said the red headed broad shouldered man to the rest of them. The pale blue eyed blonde hairedl man replied with a quick "shut up Godric" the slim black haired blue eyed woman and thicker brown haired hazel eyed women paired up on the men and said shut up Salazar and Godric. Both Godric and Salazar got annoied and responded by saying shut up to both Rowena and Helga. They were about to start a battle when they heard a pop they all looked down to see a girl with bruises all over her and Merlin standing right beside her. To say they were suprised would be a great understatement.

Apparently the girl Harriet Potter was from the future and needed to be trained. She would need to go back when she turned 11, but needed to be protected because they thought her brother was the saviour, and did not that it was truley her. Of course they agreed and took her to the medical wing.

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