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Hi everyone. This is for everyone that is friends with Southgirl1010 . She is going out of her state and will not have wifi. She will not be online until sometime around Tuesday.

I'm not sure everyone that would need to see this reads this book so I'll tag a few people.


I'll just tag you three because I don't know who else she already told or if everyone in the comment chains needs to know but if there's someone else you think should know then tag them in the comments.


Also this is the one hundredth chapter! And I kind of made a deal with myself...

I've been trying to figure out my sexuality and gender for awhile and then sort of recently I've read a few LGBTQ+ definitions books and it explained everything so well. I've already told a few people (shoutout to those I told and were so supportive!) and a few probably suspected because I've sort of hinted at being in the closet lately, but here is the actual information because now you're probably getting bored:

Sexuality- Asexual demiromantic
Gender- greygender [I think I prefer they/them pronouns, if you would be kind enough to try to use them. I know it might be hard to use different ones all of a sudden but I'd prefer you at least attempt to use they/them. Thank you!]

So... yeah.

I told myself I'd tell everyone my sexuality and gender in the one hundredth chapter of this because if I didn't I'd just end up living in a closet for the rest of my life.

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