"Humans are odd creatures." -Sushi

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Okay so I'm gonna rant for a bit. (Wow that's literally all I do in this lately whoops)

Humans feel the need to make everything around them pretty and perfect. If it's not, we're bothered by it. Even I have my OCD moments when I'm just wanting to fix this line so it's the same height as that one or rewrite an entire word because the sizes of my o's were different, etc. A lot of us just have those moments.

But why are we "fixing" children?

If my little sister seems to look pale to you, then you should be making sure she doesn't feel sick, not putting makeup on her. If my little brother wants to wear a pink hat to the fair, let him wear the pink hat to the fair. Now, I'm not saying that you need to give your children whatever they want, but don't try to say that my little sister needs to look prettier or that my little brother can't wear pink.

Both of these situations have happened before, but the hat was not a hat, it was a bicycle helmet.

Also, can we please stop sexualizing children? When my older sister (solangelo_ships) was nine, she was sent to the office for wearing a shirt that had a noodle strap on one side. She was nine. Why would they dress code her at such a young age? No one is even pervy? Stop acting like you're doing it for the guy's education when you're literally pulling a girl out of class for no reason, which would cause the guys to wonder what happened to her and focus less.

And one more thing: (IMPORTANT: Rose, you can't bring this up at lunch tomorrow. Someone sitting at our table is one of the ones I'm going to rant about.) (Talking about this at XC also isn't a good idea.) (Basically just PM me if you have questions.)

At a cross country meet today, my coach had to go help girls' varsity get started, and the other coaches (one is in training, which is why we have three.) had to go time. So my coach came over to me and a few other girls and told us we had to lead the open girls through the warm-up and stretching and to the start line.

Well, first, the eighth graders that were supposed to help us left to go cheer. They knew they were supposed to help us but they decided ditching us was a good idea. Like, I had friends in that race too, but I didn't leave, did I? That annoyed me quite a bit.

Then, all the seventh graders freaked out and tried to make everyone go early. I had to keep telling them that no, we shouldn't go twenty minutes early because that's not going to help us run. Five minutes later they'd start getting everyone again. I wanted to just yell at them to stop but they were so jittery that they wouldn't have listened anyway, plus I would have felt guilty.

Once we got started, I tried to get everyone to do the warm up our coach told us to do. But no one listened. Instead they all decided to go into the woods. I went along with it, figuring they must know what they're talking about if they're so set on running in the woods. So we started again and soon runners started coming through. Everyone got to the side except these two fifth grade girls. We kept warning them to get to the side and they just wouldn't. Idk why. It was really frustrating. Finally they did though.

(I just had a strange thought: what if I started a secret account and put all my not posted fics from this account onto that one...)

After everyone went through, we continued with our warm up. We're at about a quarter of a mile now. Then we get to a place where your had to chose where to go. The skinny path or the wide path. The skinny path runners would run through but we don't know how long the wide path was. I tried saying we should just turn around because then we'd get half a mile for our warm up, which is what our coach wanted, and we wouldn't get in the way of the runners.

But no. They wouldn't listen. They took the skinny path and got in the way of the runners. I was so mad.

We did our stretching at a little open circle thing. Then we kept going and made it back to the tent and start line. I'm still mad though.

One last thing:

"I just feel like you didn't care how well you did this year." -My mother

I do care. I just gave up on hitting the goals you wanted me to hit because they're not going to happen. They're physically impossible. So stop making me feel bad after every meet about how I didn't run my goal because guess what? I did run my goal. I probably just didn't run yours.

Okay, I'm done. How are you guys? Would you like a doughnut? (TAKE THAT SPELLING TEST)

Okay byyyyye

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