Raise your hand if you use DuoLingo.
Okay you can lower them.
Now, raise your hand if you know DuoLingo can get a bit weird sometimes.
Everyone who raised their hand for the first question should be raising their hands again.
Okay lower your hands. How many of you use NoRedInk?
Great. How many of those people have just been amazed at how out of character some of the sentences are?
Hey, you in the back, why are you not raising your hand?
Just kidding.
Finally, raise your hand if you just see something and you need to show it to everyone because it's just that great.
This one I just felt bad for because everyone deserves books.
"Someday And Forever [Klance] - Sorry" has 66.6k views.
Okay but what are the chances that Dan would do anything physical? (I hadn't fixed the grammar mistake yet so just ignore it.)