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‘’Why are we ditching school?’’ We were in Luke’s car, driving somewhere. I had no idea where were we going or why, and I didn’t have a nerve to ask. Luke haven’t said  a word since we left the building, he seemed quite pissed and it was pretty scary to see him like that.

‘’Cause we are punk rock like that.’’ He replied coldly, his eyes were still focused on the road and his face expression was blank.

‘’And where are you taking me?’’

‘’Somewhere new.’’ He repeated my sentence from a few days ago. His words sent shivers all over my body. I don’t know why was I surprised that he remembered what I told him in my half- drunken state. And more importantly I don’t know why I was so surprised that he reused it. That was so Luke-like thing of him to do. Maybe ‘somewhere new’ will be our thing, like ‘Okay’ is to Hazel and Gus. Maybe ‘somewhere new’ will be our ‘okay.’ My subconscious said in the proud voice.



‘’Are you mad at me?’’ Suddenly he pulled over to a small parking lot next to the road. He turned his head to face me for the first time in last 25 minutes. His eyes met mine and I felt like his gaze was burning a hole in my pupils.

‘’What makes you think that I’m mad at you?’’ He spoke calmly. Too calmly if you ask me.

‘’You’ve been so distant since we left school. Luke, if I did something to upset you, please tell me.’’ I cried out. I felt like I needed Luke to be happy around me. Seeing him upset and angry over something I did made my heart stutter. It felt strange to even think about the fact that Luke made me feel this way. I promised myself that I wouldn’t fall for him, but here I am, in his car, trying to keep my tears cause of the fact that he might hate me. His eyes softened and before I could think about it, he pulled me into a hug.  I instantly hug him back and buried my head into his chest.

‘’I could never be mad at you.’’ He whispered while he moved his in circular motion on back.

‘’Then what’s with the cold act?’’  

‘’I’m not really keen on Matthew’’  He rested his head on my neck and left small kisses up and down it. The touch of his worm lips on my skin made my whole body shiver.

‘’How come?’’ His lips traced over my sweet spot and I let out a small moan and as soon as it left my mouth, I felt him smirking against my neck.

‘’He’s a douche. I don’t want you do be around him.’’ He mumbled without breaking the connection of his lips and my neck.

‘’I’ve known him my whole life Luke. He’s not that bad. ‘’ I protested and he suddenly pulled away.

‘’How did you meet him anyway?’’ His gaze was locked to mine and as much as I loved Luke’s eyes, I would be lying if said that I felt 100% comfortable with him just staring at me like that.

‘’Umm, our moms met at uni and they’ve been best friends since then.  He spent a lot of time in South Africa with us when we were like 5 and I visited him and his family in Australia a few times as well.’’ To be quite honest, my friendship with both Robyn and Matthew was one of those forced things that you only did cause your mom promised you ice cream afterwards.

‘’That makes sense. So you’ve been in Australia before?’’ I just nodded as a response.

‘’Why don’t you like Matt though?’’ He placed his hand on my upper tight and I let out a gasp at the contact.

‘’Guess you could say we have a … colorful history.’’ I decided not to ask more questions cause I didn’t want to piss him off. His hand moved even higher so now his fingers were tracing over my clothed center. All I could do right now is thank Virgin Mary that I decided to wear jeans today, cause I can’t even imagine what would happen if I wore a skirt as I originally planned. Actually, I can imagine it. And a strange feeling of regret washed over me.

‘’Luke’’ I half moaned half cried out.

‘’Yeah?’’ He leaned closer without moving his hand away. His forehead was pressed to mine and I felt his hot breath on my lips.

‘’We should go.’’ My heart was beating extremely fast and my breathing was completely out of the place. Luke just pulled away chuckling. I exhaled as soon as his hands left my things. I feel relieved but I did wish I could know the things Luke had in mind for me.  He started driving again and he turned the radio on.  ‘Stray heart’ by Green Day was already half way finished when Luke reached the radio station he desired.

‘’ Oh oh I'll hold your heart and never let go’’ He sang and looked over to me. His lips formed a smile. I felt like he was singing those lyrics to me. It still felt weird knowing that he actually likes me and that he wants us to go slow.

‘’Eyes on the road.’’ Car rides with Luke were like one way ticket to the other side. He gets distracted so easily.  But the thing is – I trusted him with my life so I didn’t really mind. I mean of course I would mind if we get killed cause of the lack of his concentration though. He locked his eyes to the road in front of us and kept quietly singing lyrics to every song that they played on the radio to himself , until he pulled over to a McDonald’s restaurant.

‘’McDonald’s?’’ I questioned as we both got out of the car.

‘’Please me tell me you are not the salad kind of girl.’’ He literally begged. I let out a loud lough and shook my head.

‘’No way. But although, I’m more of a KFC kind of girl.’’ He took my hand, tangled our fingers together. I’m still not used to this kind of gestures from him ,but I went with it.

‘’I’m so sorry your Majesty. Will you be okay with McDonald’s or do I need to drive to the other part of the town so your fine ass can get some KFC?’’ He said in the worst British accent ever. I immediately burst into laugh and he does the same thing just a few seconds after.  We walked into the venue and the familiar smell of cheeseburgers and other highly unhealthy meals filled my nostrils.

After we ordered and fairly waited for our food, we found a free table in the back of the restaurant.

‘’Do you have any plans for the autumn break?’’ He asked while he unwrapped his cheeseburger from the paper. The autumn break was in a few weeks, but I already decided how am I going to spend it.

‘’I’m going to South Africa.’’ I declared and he gave me a puzzled look. I took a bite of my own burger and the delicious taste of probably toxic piece of meat danced on my tongue.

‘’Oh. Y-You’ll come back. Right?’’ He questioned.

‘’Of course I will.’’

‘’Good.’’ He breathed out as he ate the rest of his first burger. He did order 6 so I think we’ll stay here for quite some time.

I finished my meal much faster than him obviously so I spent the rest of my time watching him eat. It sounds weird, but I loved  the way the concentrate on the food in front of him. It was like he never seen a cheeseburger before. He was peacefully eating until he suddenly froze and his gaze went behind me. I slowly turned to see what made him drop his burger. Extremely beautiful girl, with short brown hair stood at the door with tall but fairly handsome blonde guy. I turned to Luke, to find him with a dropped jaw, staring at the couple. I wasn’t sure was he surprised to see him or her, but I really hoped it was because of the blonde guy.

‘’Brooke.’’ He said quietly and with that, everything suddenly made sense.

A/N: this is short and awful and full of mistakes but i just wanted to update so yeah.

pls vote and comment ayee x


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