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‘’So you almost had sex with Luke Hemmings?’’  Robyn crossed her arms over her chest. I’ve been grounded for almost 2 weeks already but my mom is kind enough to let Robyn and occasionally Matthew come over. Plus she allows Karter to have Michael, Calum, Ashton and even Luke over, so it would be unfair if I couldn’t have Robyn and Matt. Speaking of Luke,  we’ve been texting a lot lately but we’ve been keeping a safe distance in real life, like we only exchange ‘Hi’s’ in both school and when he’s here to hang with Kyle and Karter.  I’m not really sure how to feel about that, but I’m okay with the way things are right now.

‘’I guess so.’’ I still don’t remember a thing from the party, but according to Luke, things were pretty heated between us.

‘’Even though I’m completely against you having any kind of connection to him ,God forbids – sexual, he is hot as fuck.’’ She stated and I laughed. Yes, Luke was extremely handsome, but I never expected Robyn to admit that.

‘’Moving on. How are you and Calum doing?’’ I really didn’t want to talk about my non existing sex life with Robyn.

‘’Well, after everything we’ve been through, I think I’m finally happy with him.’’

‘’What do you mean after everything you’ve been through?’’ 

‘’Umm, we dated at the beginning of the last year, but he kind of took my virginity and then broke my heart.’’  She said like it was no big deal.

‘’And you forgave him? What exactly did he do?’’  I would never forgive someone for breaking my heart. Human hearts are not toys, you can just break them and expect everything to be okay after a few months.

‘’It’s complicated.’’ She sighed.

‘’Tell me.’’ I demanded. You can’t just fucking start a story and then refuse to finish it.

‘’I can’t.’’

‘’Please.’’ I pouted.  We were laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling for past 4 hours. Robyn is actually really good company.

‘’Fine. But you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone that I told you this?’’ I nodded. ‘’So at the end of freshmen year, Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton formed that band thing, they started getting like really popular in school. Especially Ashton, because he is a year older than others. Anyhow, Ash used to get boys into all kind of junior and senior parties and they started drinking a lot and banging everything that walks.  So one night at Jason’s party, they were wasted and they created this thing where two of them would chase the same girl and the first one who gets into her pants wins. The loser has to buy drinks for  the rest of them the whole night or something like that.  Apparently I was chased by Luke and Calum and the thing is -  I had a huge crush on Cal since like year 7 so it didn’t take much time for him to get to his goal. But I fell for him Katherine, I fell really hard and I thought he felt the same. So when I found out about the chase, I was devastated. Heartbroken.  I didn’t go out for 3 weeks. He tried to call me and apologize and to assure me that he really did feel the same.  But of course I didn’t believe him.  I mean how can you believe someone who disrespected you like that? It took me 4 fucking months to pick up my non existing balls and talk to him. He tried to explain to me that it wasn’t all a game to him and that it meant more to him than just a random fuck. He said he’ll do anything to regain my trust and I wanted to forgive him right away, but that would be just plain stupid, you know? So I told him that it’ll take some time. And in these few months, he’s been nothing but an angel to me and I was a complete and utter bitch to him and it was just because I don’t want him to break my heart again. But I guess he proved himself to me. I really like him Katherine.’’ She finished with a deep sigh. I was speechless to be honest. If I was her, I would never even consider forgiving him.

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