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The dry air filled my nostrils and I uncomfortably shifted in bed.  Guess you could say that I was a bit surprised when I felt two hands around me, but the flesh backs from last night ran through my head and I felt extremely hangover. It’s like the last night was just a memory, like it happened ages ago, but in fact it was about 9 hours ago. I had no idea why Luke came or why did I let him stay for the night, or why am I feeling like I drank an ocean of vodka. But I know one thing for sure – it felt amazing to have Luke’s arms wrapped around me and to wake up in his embrace.

I raised my gaze so I can look at his peaceful face. He looked so innocent and so pure while sleeping.  Just the sight of his parted lips and closed eyes made my lips form a small smile. He is so precious.

I continued  analyzing every inch of his face, until his eyelids started slowly parting. I instantly looked down, as I haven’t stared at him for past 10 minutes. He probably noticed my movements, cause he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my head.

‘’Morning beautiful.’’ His voice was raspy and sleepy which was just adorable.

‘’How can you be so cheesy this early in the morning?’’

‘’Sorry to inform you sweet cheeks, but it’s 2pm.’’ He motioned his head towards the Hello Kitty clock on my wall and my mouth formed an ‘o’ as soon as I realized that it actually is 2pm.

‘’But still…. you just woke up.’’ I snuggled my head to his chest as he started tracing his fingers up and down my arm. His touch sent familiar explosion chills down my whole body.

‘’Mhm.’’ He mumbled and suddenly flipped us over, so he was hovering over me.  Not much later, his lips met my neck and he started kissing and biting up and down it. It didn’t take him long to find my sweet spot, and I bit inside of my cheek but a loud moan managed to escape my mouth anyway. I could feel him smirking against my neck and I instantly rolled my eyes. Cheeky motherfucker.

‘’Luke’’ I breathed out as he continued sucking on my sensitive spot. It was too early for this. He pulled away and raised his head so he could place a small peck on my lips. Our foreheads connected and we literally breathed the same air.

‘’How did you sleep?’’  He muttered, his eyes fully focused on my lips. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable  to be honest, but I decided to ignore it.

‘’Wonderful actually, what about you?’’

‘’Never better.’’ He rested his head in the crook of my neck and blew the hot air on it.  I tangled my hand with his hair and messed it up more than it already is.  It felt nice having Luke this near to me. I wasn’t sure on what page were we right now. I want to ask him, I really do, but I feel like I would probably ruin this little moment we have right now. And to be honest, I’m quite enjoying it so I’d rather not screw it up.

‘’Katherine?’’  He mumbled against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.


‘’Would you go out with me?’’  I instantly pulled him away, and locked his eyes with mine. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.

‘’Like on a real date?’’ I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

‘’I don’t really know what’s your definition of a ‘real date’ but I wanted to take you out on a date date, like in those cheesy chick flick movies. ‘’ He nervously chuckled which was super cute.

‘’I’d like that very much Lucas.’’

‘’So, you’ll go out with me?’’

‘’Obviously.’’ Suddenly he leaned in and quickly kissed my lips, so quick that I couldn’t do anything about it.

The Chase || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now