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a/n: italicized text is a flashback ok

Luke’s POV

‘’Luke! Stop!’’  She screamed, but I continued tickling her anyway.

‘’Not until you tell me who are you texting to.’’ She’s been extremely distant lately, all she did when we were together was text God knows who and smile at her phone.  Even though it felt amazing to see her smile, it was also hurting me that I wasn’t the one who made her smile in the first place.

‘’I can’t.’’ She sat up and I let go of her.  I locked my eyes to hers, hoping I would find a sign of any emotion and whatsoever, but there was nothing. Her gaze was completely blank.

‘’Why not?’’ I was getting frustrated with her. I knew  I wasn’t the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, but I was giving her everything I could so she could at least have some respect.

‘’I just can’t. I’m sorry Luke.’’

‘’No. I’m sorry.’’ I stood up and made my way to the door. ‘’Call me when you decide to be honest with me, will you?’’ She nodded and I walked out, closing the heavy door behind me.

Before I could concentrate on the situation, she and her new arm candy found their way to our table. I wish I had a strength to look at Katherine, but my eyes were locked to Brooke’s and I felt a wave of anxiety washing over me.

‘’Hey Lucas.’’ I took a minute to analyze her.  Her hair was much shorter and her eyes were much lighter. But there was something in her wicked smile that reminded me of the Brooke I knew just months ago.

‘’Please leave.’’ I begged.  I didn’t want to be around her. Not after not seeing her for  3 months. Not after she left without a goodbye.  As an answer to my plea, she just laughed and sat next to me, while the guy sat next to Katherine.

‘’Why? Didn’t you miss me Lukey?’’ She pouted her lips.

‘’No.’’ I lied. Of course I missed her. For the first 2 weeks, I couldn’t  do anything. I was numb. Broken. And she didn’t give a damn about my feelings. But then again, why would she? She was pretty, rich, beautiful. She had guys crawling around her like she was some sort of prize. She could always do much better than me. And just knowing that I’m not good enough for her, made my heart sink even more. I was miserable. I started drinking and smoking weed again. I even started with the dumb chase again. She brought out the worst of me. And when I met Katherine , I hoped that she would pull me out of misery. I hoped that she would fix me. Actually I was convinced that she would fix me. Well that was until Brooke came. What was she  doing here anyway? Her dad told me that she moved to Golden Coast to live her with her mom. But yet, she was here.

‘’You’ve always been a terrible liar Lucas.’’ She chuckled and I slowly turned my gaze to Katherine who was calmly staring at me with one eyebrow raised. She wanted an explanation and I was the one who was supposed to give it to her.

‘’Umm, this is my ex-girlfriend Brooke.’’  I pointed to Brooke and she just nodded like she already knew.

‘’And who is this?’’ Brooke asked and motioned her head to Katherine.

‘’This is-‘’ I started off but I was cut off my Katherine’s dominant voice.

‘’I’m Katherine, I’m Luke’s…….friend.’’ The way she said ‘friend’ sent shivers all over my body. I didn’t want to be just her friend.

‘’Are you British? You have a cool accent.’’  I was pretty sure Brooke was now teasing Katherine, but she seemed extremely calmed.

‘’I’m African.’’ Her voice was so monotone. So cold. I’ve never seen her like this, and to be quite honest, I was excited to explore this dominant side of her.

‘’If you are from Africa, why are you white?’’  Brooke’s new slave spoke up, and I let out a small chuckle at his extremely high voice.

‘’Oh my god Ryder, you can’t just ask people why they’re white!’’ The obvious ‘Mean Girls’ reference made them both burst into laughter. ‘Mean Girls’ - of course. Her favorite movie. I glanced over to Katherine, and unlike Brooke and Ryder, she wasn’t laughing at all. Her face expression was completely blank.

‘’Luke. We should go.’’ She said slowly.

‘’Um yes.’’ I stood up and so did she.

‘’No, Luke. We didn’t have time to catch up!’’ Brooke whined and she pulled my sleeve as an attempt to bring me back into sitting position. I carefully pushed her hand away. She did hurt me, but I could never hurt her in any way.

‘’I don’t really think that’s needed Brooke.’’ Katherine was already walking towards the exit and I turned my heels and started walking to her, without taking a second glance at my ex girlfriend and Ryder. 

We reached the car in silence as soon as we got in I turned on the radio.

‘’Your ex seems nice.’’ The sarcasm in her voice was pretty obvious and the feeling of guilt washed over me. I should’ve told her about Brooke earlier. But I decided not to.

‘’She’s a bitch.’’

‘’No shit Sherlock. She has this bitch vibe. ‘’ She giggled. I was relieved that she didn’t hate for not mentioning Brooke.

‘’She used to be nice, I swear.’’ It was true. Brooke was  able to be a nice, sweet girl when she wanted. But that was rarely.

‘’I hardly doubt that.’’

‘’Can we please not talk about my ex?’’ I pouted. She let a small laugh out and I was happy that it was because of me.

‘’Whatever you say Lucas.’’ Now, I was laughing as well, with my eyes fully focused on the road in front of me.

‘’Where do you want to go Africa?’’

‘’I would say ‘somewhere new’ but actually, I just want to go home.’’

‘’As you wish m’lady.’’ I turned the car into another street and headed towards to her house.

The drive was silent. But apparently silence works well for us. It’s comfortable and calming. Relaxing. Exactly what I need.

I parked on her drive in, and to be honest, I was sad that I have to say goodbye to her, even though we will see each other tomorrow at school. I turned to face her, and she was already staring me. She slowly leaned in and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

‘’See you later Lucas.’’ She slid out of the car and waved in my direction.

‘’Later, Africa.’’ I smiled and turned my engine back on.

a/n; this took me 4789632547896393 years to write and it sucks so hard but bare with me.

pls comment and vote ilyyy x


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