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The melody of ‘R U mine?’ by Arctic Monkeys was filling the room. Why did I have to put such loud song as a ringtone? My head was pounding and I couldn’t bare myself to open my eyes.  The music slowly faded  and I drift off to sleep right away.

After what seemed like ages, the same melody was echoing through the room again.  I tried to get up and pick up the phone but two large hands tied around my waist stopped me.  I slowly turned to face the owner of the hands  and to be honest I wasn’t even slightly surprised when I found Luke peacefully sleeping next to me. I sighed deeply and thanked God that I was fully dressed into the same outfit from last night. Nothing happened between us, right? I somehow untangled his hands from me and walked over to the desk  in the corner of room to get my phone.  I unlocked it, and 63 missed calls from mom and Kyle appeared on the screen. I felt like I was having a mini heart attack. Shit. The clock on my phone was showing 3pm. I was only 11 hours past my curfew, no biggie, mom must be thrilled.  I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I’m not sure how the fuck did I get in here or why me and Luke slept in the same bed.  Last night was a complete blur and my killer headache was alarming me not to put this much pressure on my brain.  I dialed Kyle’s number, hoping that he would be much more understanding about my hangover than my mother. It ring for a few times before he picked it up.

‘’WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?’’ he yelled into the speaker and I instantly regretted calling him.

‘’Calm the fuck down,  I’m at Luke’s.’’  I said quietly because Luke was still sleeping. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was at Luke’s, but I’m assuming I was.

‘’DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH HIM? OH MY GOD KATHERINE! ‘’ he was still yelling which made my already unbearable headache even worse.

‘’I didn’t have sex with him….I think.’’ I was definitely not in the mood for fighting with Kyle.

‘’Oh okay, do you know where Karter is?’’

‘’No, why?’’ I heard Luke shifting in bed so I glanced over to him. He probably realized that I was gone so he was trying to put himself into another partly comfortable position.

‘’He didn’t come home last night neither. Mom is going to murder both of you.’’ They lost Karter. Great.

‘’I’ll come home soon, I promise.’’ I hung up before he could answer me. I looked over to Luke again, but instead of finding him in careless state, his eyes were wide open and he was staring at me. As usual, well known smirk played on his face.

‘’Morning, beautiful.’’ Of course that he would say something cheesy that would fill my stomach with butterflies. 

‘’What happened last night?’’ I demanded. I had no time or patience for him and his…personality, this morning.  And to be honest I want to know if he got some action with me or not.

‘’Someone’s grumpy. ‘’ He smiled and sat up on the bed.

‘’Jesus, Luke. Just tell me  what happened and why am I here?’’  I cried. I’m already irritated with him and I just to go home for God’s sake.

‘’So remember when we danced?’’ I nodded. ‘’Well after that things got heated,  and you wanted to go some place more…quiet, you know? So I took you here, and I went downstairs to get you a glass of water and by the time I got back, you were sleeping.’’ He explained. Out of all things that he said, I only understand one clearly.  I almost had sex with him.  The image of him pleasuring me played in my head and I instantly felt my cheeks getting red. Why do I have to be a pervert little fucker? 

‘’Can we pretend that that never happened?’’  He stood up and moved over to me so now his tall figure was towering me.

‘’The heavy making out part or the part when you fell asleep on my bed, completely wasted?’’ He moved a step closer to me. We were just inches away from each other.

The Chase || Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now