Quite extreme

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The next day.

Taehyung sat on the couch and thought about the words Jungkook told him. I really need to try.. Just do what I do... Hmm what do I do at home to make myself comfy and relaxed? He then turned in his place and threw his legs over the head resting part of that couch and let his head hand upside down. Yes yes that was better. What next? Music? Why not. He then started singing to himself. What did he sing? The anthem of Hogwarts of course! Yess this felt right.

Jungkook was making his way behind Taehyung only seeing his cute feet move. He smiled to himself and stayed silent until Taehyung started singing Put your records on by Corinne Bailey Rae. Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to speak up in the same tone to make Taehyung feel at ease. God knows that boy could be startled any second.

"Tae, I'm heading out for a sec ok?"

"Okayy~" He answered sweetly.

Jungkook smiled even wider to himself and went out. His plan was working.

Taehyung quickly sat up as he heard the door shut. He wondered where Jungkook went. He then sat there and stared at the door for like a minute until they suddenly opened.

"Junko- wait.. Who are you?" Taehyung stopped and blushed. He just made a mistake. There was a little shorter and quiet a buff guy standing that had such an adorable face Taehyung actually didn't scream and ran to his room like he probably would of done.

"O-oh is Jungkook out?"


"You must be Taehyung" The guy smiled and stepped in "I'm Jimin. Jungkook's friend."


"So, you two getting along?" Jimin asked looking around "Did he leave the dishes in the sink?" he pointed at a plate and few cups calmly resting in the sink like it was their job.

"U-uh well I did wash mine so I assume they are his"

"That bastard... I always tell him to clean shit after himself" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You seem to know Jungkook pretty well" Taehyung said smiling.

"We're childhood friends." Jimin smiled back warmly, but his smile faded away quite soon "Tell me"


"Is he nice to you? Is he treating you well?"

"Well he is really friendly"

"Huh" Jimin sucked in his cheek form the inside of his mouth "That douche... I knew it's all because I'm short.."


"Nah nothing."

And right at that moment Jungkook crushed in through the door.

"Jimin! Thank God you're here, quick quick!" Jungkook asid as he was holding two guitars in their cases and one of them was somehow slipping away. Jimin quickly came to rescue as Taehyung watched the scene.

"Got cha, and call me hyung!"

"So" Jungkook smiled ignoring Jimin and closed the door looking at both guys "You met my roommate?" He placed both guitars neatly to the side on the ground.

"Oh right, vocals and guitar, mostly bass" Jimin nodded towards Taehyung.

"Oooh right I didn't tell you what I do too" Jungkook smiled "Vocals and guitar but specifically - electric"

"I.... Uh vocals.. Just that. I used to play saxophone.."

"Well you do have a really good voice" Jungkook winked to Taehyung making the latter blush the extra amount.

"Really? I wanna hear!" Jimin jumped.

"Naaaah, you better go" Jungkook started pushing Jimin out of their dorm as he felt Taehyung getting a little uncomfortable and lost.

The door finally shut. Jungkook then took the guitars to his room. Taehyung always waned to try and play the guitar, but never actually tried it. He quickly tiptoed to Jungkook's room and knocked quietly on the white wooden door.

"Tae, don't need to knock~"

Taehyung giggled and walked in.

"You needed something?" Jungkook asked with an acoustic guitar resting in his lap.

"I... Can I try?" Taehyung asked shyly.

"Try what?" Jungkook blinked few times a little lost. His big round eyes made Taehyung lost a bit too (deep in them), but he quickly snapped out of it.

"T-the guitar.. Playing?"

"Oh sure" Jungkook smiled and patted the bed.

Taehyung sat next to Jungkook and took the instrument. Jungkook started at him with his bunny smile for few seconds and then started laughing with that clear laugh that made Taehyung so shook.

"W-what, did I do something wrong?"

"You're holding it the wrong way, it's upside down now"

"O-Oh" Taehyung quickly flipped the guitar smacking Jungkooks arm on accident. "I'm so so so so soo sorry Kookie~!"

"It's f- Kookie?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a slight blush now creeping on his cheeks. Before Taehyung said anything he quickly spoke up "I like it" He smiled showing off his bunny teeth.

Taehyung blushed more, but he didn't even feel it. Somehow Jungkook made him feel so comfortable and at ease.


Five minutes in and what do you know~ Jungkook was basically back hugging him (No he wasn't, he just placed his one hand behind Taehyung for support, but Tae would beg to differ) as he was Teaching the smaller male some easy cords. Jungkook's strong fingers taking over his delicate ones, pressing them down at all right places making Taehyung literally explode from the inside.

And than was the problem he didn't remember what he learned.. That and another reason.. Jungkook was right there, next to his ear, his body warmth made Taehyung alert as his breathing constantly brushed on Taehyung's now red red ears. It's not like Tae was uncomfortable, It's just that it was something very new and quite extreme For the poor baby's heart.



Well my comment about my chapters being short just backfired me... Oh boy OuO

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