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Sooo it's realizing like crazy here and I got a little inspired. That's why Thai might seem a little out of blue Xb hope you like it though~


It was raining. No, it was pouring. A literal organic shower outside. Taehyung was curled up on the sofa humming a song Seokjin teached him. Jungkook still didn't come out of his room. Taehyung got a little worried. Yes it was Sunday, but the younger one didn't come out of there and it was around 2PM already. He could only hear some rock music behind his door that's all. Jungkook didn't come out.
Taehyung finally decided to get up and knock on Jungkook's door. But Jungkook, as he remembers, told him he could come in not knocking so he did.
The room was even messier then before. Clothes everywhere, guitars were neatly placed in their cases but everything else.. Notes all over the floor. And Jungkook hiding his face under a pillow.
"Jungkookie?" Taehyung called but he didn't hear. The music was loud.
Taehyung looked around and saw a laptop that was blasting the music. He quickly went up to it and lowered the volume.
"Jungkook?" Taehyung called again.
The brown haired guy then confusingly uncovered his face. It looked like he was a little sick or.. Crying?? Taehyung's eyes got wide.
"Kookie are you ok??" He rushed to the latter.
"Y-yeah I'm fine, don't worry, Tae" he said giving him a sleepy fake smile.
"No you're not.. Tell me" Taehyung said sitting next to Jungkook.
"It's fine T-"
"No, Jeon Jungkook tell me what's wrong" Taehyung said looking, no, staring into Jungkook's eyes.
Jungkook shifted in his spot and tried to turn away but didn't let himself do that. He sighed and slightly brushed his fingers on a little scar he had on his cheek. Weirdly Taehyung saw it only now. What did it mean? Did something happen in the past and that made Jubgkookie sad?
"Tae.. I don't know..."
"If you say your problems out loud it helps, don't keep them inside of you. That's what my mom said and I have to agree" Taehyung said sitting closer to him.
"Hm" Jungkook let a small smile appear but it disappeared as soon as that. "Well.. Actually I should just get over it, but I can't... You see today was the day... When.." He tried to swallow this big lump in his throat "two years ago... Today This accident happened... a car crash.. And yeah.. My brother" Jungkook's breath shook "his.. He's not with us lest just say that.."
Taehyung sat there silent. He never knew Jungkook had a brother.. And lost him. He probably was a really great brother to ale Jungkook to feel this horrible...
"And on top of that, look at the weather. It's pouring, how more depressing it could get?" Jungkook said letting tears run down his cheeks again.
"Jungkookie.." Taehyung quickly hugged the younger and pressed his head to his chest.
Jungkook felt like a little child. Pressed to Taehyung's warm chest and his soft fingers brushing through his hair. Few minutes passed. Jungkook has calmed himself down a little.
"I have an idea"
"What.. is it?" Jungkook raised his eyes.
"Why don't we go out?"
"Right now? It's raining like crazy.."
"That's the point!" Taehyung stood up. "If it's raining it means it's washing all bad things away. So that counts in bad mood too." Taehyung pulled Jungkook up and started pulling him out of his room.
Taehyung rushed through the door with Jungkook behind him.
"W-what about shoes?" Jungkook asked.
"You won't need them" Taehyung smiled.
And few seconds after they were standing in pouring rain. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook. Their hair and clothes were drenched already.
"Try to relax, let the rain comfort you" Taehyung said raising his hands up and looking up as if this was the best thing ever.
Jungkook closed his eyes. It felt pretty good. The way cold water ran down his skin, but hot fully. He still felt like he waned to cry, but he held it in, tensing his muscles up.
"Jungkookie, don't keep it in!" Taehyung said grabbing his both hands "scream it out if you need to!"
Jungkook looked at Taehyung. The latter then let go of his hands and turned around. Surprisingly Taehyung suddenly just started shouting. It looked like he was really giving it all. Like he felt lighter and lighter after that. Then Jungkook finally understood how strong Taehyung was actually. Strong from the inside and a human being that not most people would deserve to have around them. Taehyung was smart or no.. He was wise. Yes. Strong and wise from the inside.
Jungkook closed his eyes, filled his lungs with air and let out a scream. And what do you know, it actually made him feel a lot better! The urge of cry was gone. All the frustration was slowly walking away.
"Yes!" Taehyung turned to Jungkook "that's it!"
"Taehyung" Jungkook said grabbing his face, a little bit squishing his soft cheeks "do you even know how great are you?"
Taehyung laughed and grabbed Jungkook's face too.
"You're the one who made me half that".
Both guys just stood there looking at each other when Taehyung quickly moved first and pressed his lips to Jungkook. It was wet. Very wet, because the rain has gotten even stronger. But Taehyung didn't care. He just did what he thought was the right thing to do now. Jungkook stood there in shock not responding. Jungkook's brain froze. Taehyung then was about to pull away, but Jungkook protested and quickly pressed their lips together again and now actually responding. Their lips moved quickly as both students held their breath in excitement. What is going on? This is really happening! Taehyung jumped inside of his head. They continued on kissing until Taehyung got lightheaded and pulled away gasping for air.
"Ohmygod" Taehyung blushed.
Jungkook just chuckled. Suddenly a lighting loudly crossed the sky making Taehyung jump.
"M-maybe we should get inside"
"Yeah" Jungkook agreed and hugged Taehyung with his one arm "thank you, thank you so much."

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