No underwear

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Few weeks have passed. Yoongi and Jimin were more official than ever as Jimin almost every time he saw Yoongi screamed out "my babyyy" and then Yoongi would roll his eyes reminding him he's older, but give in and place a kiss on yoinger's lips. Taehyung thought it was SO cute while Hoseok and Jungkook took it as an overly cheesy act.
It was Saturday. Taehyung woke up a little late dizzily. He wasn't a deep thinker in the morning, but now he caught himself thinking. What are we? Me and Jungkook? Do we already count as boyfriends? I think we do, right?
He hopped off of his bed and went to the kitchen. Jungkook wasn't there, but there was a paper peace on the table.
{Taetae, finally you woke up! I went out to get some groceries with Jimin because he took almost everything we had... I'll be back around 3PM. Hope you had a nice dream cutie}
Taehyung's tummy turned at that. Aah. He smiled and looked around. That means he won't really have what to eat huh... To Yoongi he goes. He went in not knocking as usual. There sat Hoseok with his laptop not looking up.
"Hey little Taetae" he greets.
"Hey, do you mind if I have my breakfast here?"
"It's aight"
Taehyung smiles and opens the fridge not noticing how Yoongi is walking up to him from behind the fridge's open door. As he closes them Taehyung yelps and jumps.
"Hyung, you startled me!"
"Oh? Sorry" he smiles and opens the fridge.
The older is smiling. As sad as it sounds he smiles rarely, but lately he was smiling longer than ever. Taehyung sometimes thinks he might smile more than Hoseok. But it's probably impossible.
"What now?" Taehyung asked placing eggs on the counter and searching for a bowl.
"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked taking the eggs away.
"You can't cook for shit, sorry, Tae"
Taehyung's lips tore apart, but nothing came out, the youngest one just looked at Hoseok who gave him an apologetic smile.
Taehyung then just shook it off and made himself comfortable on the counter.
"So why were you smiling now?"
"Can't I just smile?" Yoongi asked.
"Yoongi, it's you." Hoseok said standing up.
"That's rude you guys"
"But.. It's kinda true"
"So? What will it be this time?" Taehyung asked as Yoongi was whisking the eggs in a soft plastic yellow bowl.
"Something I don't think your innocent brain should absorb"
Hoseok almost ran into the counter.
"You guys what?"
"What do you mean?" Tae got lost.
"But" Hoseok cut off
"Tae no" Yoongi warned the youngest one.
"Are you serious?"
"WHAT?" Taehyung screams.
Hoseok looks at Taehyung and just lets the sentence roll out.
"They did the dirty dance with no pants"
Taehyung stared in front of himself. Dirty dance with no pants.. Hmm... Wait they took of their pants, got like, dirty or something and started dancing? Taehyung giggled at the weird idea.
"We had sex" Yoongi said plainly.
"Yoongi I waned him to think" Hoseok hissed.
"Well it didn't seem like he was really getting anything"
Taehyung's eyes got real wide.
"So it was THAT good?" Hoseok asked as he looked for a pan.
"Oh yea" Yoongi sung out.
Taehyung sat silent. So they did it... But I shouldn't react like that. No! I'm not that childish and innocent! No. I- I'll ask jungkook then. He'll definitely tell me the truth. I think I'm pretty mature since we started.. Making out.
"He looks so shook" Hoseok whispered.
"Poor kid" Yoongi said and turned away to continue on making the omelette.

Taehyung quickly makes his way to his flat when he has his breakfast. The boy looks at himself in the mirror. A soft green hoody with some short pajama pants. Yes they have little tigers on them.
"So I'm still innocent.."
He puffs our his lips and turns around. The boy finds a pair of light brown sweatpants and puts them on instead of his pajama pants. No underwear. Yeah. Because Taehyung doesn't feel like it. He's planning on staying inside anyways. It's getting colder and colder so going out isn't his plan. What he wants is Jungkook now, laying next to him in his bed, cuddling. Taehyung rolls around. After around 20 minutes he hears the door opening.
"Tae, I'm here!"
"Kookie!" Taehyung jumps up, off of his bed, out of his room and into Jungkook's strong arms.
"Someone's exited" Jungkook giggles.
"I missed you" Taehyung said snuggling his nose into Jungkook's chest, then he suddenly pulls away looking at the bags set on the ground. "What you got? What's that?"
He's looking around and talking so quickly Jungkook kinda of pray in his head Taehyung would calm down and don't pay attention at a lilac colored present bag. But that's exactly what Taehyung does so Jungkook, not thinking much, tries to catch his crush. What both of them don't expect is Jungkook's fingers smoothly, like it was their job, to grab Taehyung's sweat pants' top revealing the boy's cute cheeks for Jungkook to see.(keep in mind Jungkook still haven't seen his boy naked wink w0nk)
"Uh" Jungkook blushes as his eyes just find their way to look at Taehyung's soft, round buns.
Taehyung freezes feeling goosebumps on his arms, his ears getting redder and colder air hitting his behind.
"AAAAAAH" Taehyung screams, slapping away Jungkook's hand and runs to his room slamming the door shut.
"Oh my god, Tae I-" Jungkook sais only turning to the direction Taehyung ran.
He stands there for a minute and then starts chuckling to himself. God that was so freaking adorable.
Taehyung hides himself under the covers of his bed and starts planning a way how to immigrate to another country. He's shaking until the sound of the door knob turning cuts off his "prayers".
"Aaah don't come innnn!"
"Why?" Jungkook asks smirking and makes his way to the curled up ball covered with a blanket on the bed.
"J-just because"
"Were you embarrassed? Tae, I should be apologizing now, I did that" Jungkook sits next to him "the thing is... It was an accident, and that was so cute"
"Cute" Jungkook starts slowly uncovering Taehyung. "You're uncomfortable with me seeing you naked?"
Jungkook asks fully uncovering Taehyung as the latter uncurls. Jungkook smoothly and comfortably makes his way in between Taehyung thighs and lays on him so that there's no way out. Their noses almost touching. Weirdly Taehyung likes this situation a lot, except that he's still shaking and burning red.
"I-I'm just..."
"Scared?" Jungkook asks moving a bit closer, their noses brushing against each other.
"What's the problem then, baby?"
"I-I.. I'm not against it I'm just very..."Taehyung's eye lids start falling over his eyes as he feels the warmth of Jungkook's lips spreading over him. They are so so close. The teasing is unbearable almost. "I panicked"
"Jeez you're so freaking adorable" Jungkook groans pressing his lips to the later's.
"H-hey Kookie?" Taehyung said in between kisses.
"W-what are we?" Taehyung asks
Jungkook's hands slowly make their way under Taehyung's lower back and lifts him up a bit to get closer as Taehyung's thighs hug Jungkook's torso.
"What do you mean?"
"Are we together together now?"
"Hm" Jungkook chuckles "do you want to?"
"And d-do you?"
"More than you think"
Taehyung smiles as his eyes sparkle.
"So you're officially mine?"
"And you're mine" They lock lips for quiet some time when Jungkook pulls away and grins.
"Sice you belong to me now I want you to do a favor for me" he looks at the older with such a cute expression no matter what it was Tae was going to grand that wish.
"When we're having days like there" Jungkook pecks Taehyung's cheek "when there's just you and me"
"Y-yes?" Taehyung's voice shake a bit.
"Don't wear underwear"
Jungkook grins childishly and Taehyung gasps and covers his face. But Jungkook catches his slim fingers in his rough ones and smiles wider.
"Do we have a deal?"
"D-deal" Taehyung nobs blushing.
Jungkook chuckles and pecks Taehyung's nose making the latter sink into the pillows.
"A little"
"I'm on it!" Jungkook stands up offering Taehyung a hand.
He easily pulls Taehyung up and walks to the kitchen with his now boyfriend. Well well well, Yoongi, I'm not that innocent now. I'm not wearing underwear. Taehyung thinks to hismkef in a full on proud tone. (God what am I doing??)


Hellow guysss! I'm so sorry I didn't update for such a long time! I traveled a lot and my anxiety before sleeping doesn't help too (yes I'm 16 and I'm absolutely terrified of the dark..) so I've been kind of out of it, really tired and lost... but I hope I'll get into the track soon! Love ya all so so much and I hope I didn't make a fool out of myself in this chapter •.•"

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