A date

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The next day Jungkook and Taehyung were in such a good mood, both giving all they got and making only little mistakes. Seokjin was pleased while the rest of the band already knew what was up and tried not to get in their way. When the practice ended Taehyung waited for Jungkook to get out of the class and jumped into his hands hugging him tightly.
"Woah!" Jungkook chuckled. "Tae?"
"Yes?" Taehyung looked at his boyfriend's face.
"There's this small concert where this one group will be playing rock classics.. Would you.. Like to come with me? It's on this Saturday."
"Of course!" Taehyung hugged Jungkook tighter.
"Great!" Jungkook hugged back and spun around.
His plan was working. Saturday seemed so far away as Taehyung thought of their up coming date everyday. That was going to be something special right?
And finally the day came. Taehyung slid out of his bed and ran out. Jungkook was probably still sleeping in his room so Taehyung basically flew in and jumped under the covers on his boyfriend.
"Jungkookie~" Taehyung whispered into the younger's ear, sitting on his stomach.
"Mm" Jungkook's eyes squeezed tighter.
"Kookie wake up~ I want to go to the city before the concert too" Taehyung purred and snuggled into Jungkook's neck.
"Tae" Jungkook moaned with his raspy voice and lazily slammed Taehyung next to him and slid his hand on his waist bringing him comfortably closer. Finally Jungkook opened his eyes.
"Good morning" Taehyung smiles cutely.
Jungkook looked very sleepy, with his messy messy hair.
"Good morning" Jungkook smiled.
They stayed like that until Jungkook's eyes suddenly got wide and he sat up.
"Uh" he looked down into his sheets and then at Taehyung, his face burning red.
"What?" Taehyung sat up confused "what's wrong?"
"I-uuh, nothing, um could you maybe make some coffee for both of us? I really need to get under a cold shower"
"Oh, yeah sure" Taehyung smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
The kiss was supposed to be soft and quick, but Jungkook unexpectedly roughly pushed in his tongue triggering a hot makeout session that was about to happen. The younger one then quickly brought Taehyung to sit in his lap not letting their lips to separate. Taehyung gasped in between their kisses as Jungkook's hands traveled under his shirt. Taehyung sunk his fingers into latter's dark locks. The atmosphere got hotter and hotter,Taehyung moved closer so they their chests would touch, but he felt something a little different. There was some kind of thing in between them below as Taehyung accidentally made contact with it with his crotch Jungkook let out a moan.
"O-oh shit, Tae..I reallyy need that cold shower"
Taehyung looked down and he blushed like a strawberry. Yep. Jungkook had that morning boner. Taehyung's little friend reacted too as he felt really sensitive suddenly.
"Can't we- h-just stay like t-this?" Taehyung asked as his lips started finding their way back to Jungkook's.
"Tae m-"
The sound of the door opending made both students jump. Jungkook softly pushed Taehyung aside, he hated that, but there was no choice this time. He wanted to keep Taehyung innocent just a bit longer. So he quickly stood up and made his way to the bathroom.
"What was that all about?" Yoongi thought out loud and peeked inside Jungkook's room.
Taehyung was laying in there, red as a tomato, curled up a little.
"Oh god what happened?" Yoongi asked confused.
"I-I" Taehyung breathed in and out calming himself down.
"You what?"
"W-we almost"
His eyes got wide.
"You serious?"
"Yes!" Taehyung sat up.
"Well shit, sorry.. Can I take your notes for the third song? I needed to analyze few things"
"Yeah sure they are on my table"
Yoongi nodded, took what he needed and disappeared.
Taehyung didn't know if he was thankful or hated Yoongi at that moment. Calming down his heart and the tickle in his pelvis wasn't easy, but he got over it and went to make that coffee.
Both Jungkook and Taehyung laughed it off a little awkwardly and continued on their day. Taehyung made his eyes a bit darker with a brown eye pencil, put on buttoned up, peach colored shirt tugged into his high waisted, light washed slim fitting jeans, his small waist showing nicely. Jungkook jumped into his black ripped jeans and a black baggy shirt with a red beanie. Both of them grabbed their coats and out they went.
"You know" Taehyung spoke as they walked down the street, fingers intertwined together.
"It's my first time going out with anyone really, and I think this is really exiting" Taehyung said jumping.
"Well" Jungkook chuckled "you better be this exited only around me"
"Would you get jealous?" Taehyung grinned and nudged Jungkook's side.
"Of course! Your mine! All mine" Jungkook said pecking Taehyung's cheek making the boy shyly smile and blush.
They walked past two girls that gave them dirty looks.
"Ew..disgusting" One of them whispered to the other "another gay couple."
Taehyung's grip got weaker as he looked down. That was rude.
"Tae what's wrong?"
"T-the girls.. Called us d-disgusting"
Taehyung started shaking. Doesn't matter that he got over anxiety at the university. The boy wasn't used to go out. He still was nervous to go to the cafe and order something so getting negative critics that he didn't ask for made Taehyung feel miserable and panic.
"Hey, Taehyung look at me" Taehyung stayed frozen "look at me, please" Jungkook raised Taehyung's chin, the poor baby was about to cry "I want you to get this in your head" Jungkook spoke in a strict, but soft tone "who gives a shit what others think? Those girls aren't important in your life, won't make your life any easier and most importantly - be proud of who you are. If you're gay, own it"
Taehyung blinked few times to hold in his tears, but he was still shaking.
"Good" Jungkook hugged his shaking boy "and now you have me here, do you care about me?"
"Do you care about my opinion?"
"Then know that I think- no, I KNOW you're an awesome friend, a lovely lover and an amazing person"
"K-kookie this is too much" Taehyung giggled quietly.
"Is that a laugh?"Jungkook looked at his boyfriend who was trying to hide his pink face "that's a smile right there~"
Taehyung laughed. Both of them shared a soft kiss and went into a cozy cafe. Jungkook ordered some hot coco. Yes it's a kids drink, but both of them decided it was a perfect moment for it.
The day passed quickly as both students talked and ate and talked some more until the time for their concert came.
As soon as they walked in Jungkook's expression changed. He seemed so exited, but very collected and attentive. Taehyung smiled at his boyfriend who sincerely enjoyed their time. The songs were known all around the world so Taehyung shyly joined in when he knew the words while Jungkook sung every word to word and couldn't look away from the main guitarist's fingers.

"Did you like it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung as they walked back into their apartment.
"Yes" Taehyung smiled "a lot"
"H- oh!" Jungkook stopped and searched his pocket and sighed it appeared in relief.
"What is it?"
"I got something for us both and now I remembered that I have it" Jungkook smiled "close your eyes"
Taehyung looked at him in suspicion, but closed them anyways and couldn't keep form smiling. Soon he felt something round his writs.
"Yeah you can open them"
There was a bracelet. The the strip was form thin leather and long so it was hugging his writs few times around with a little golden lock attached to it.
"Kookie" Taehyung spoke as he looked at Jungkook's wrist seeing the same bracelet, but with a silver key attacked to it "this is so cute!"
"Hah I knew you would like it" Jungkook grinned.
That night Jungkook slept in Taehyung's bed as he couldn't get off of his cute boyfriend. Everything was just so perfect.


So this one was a little, how do I say.. I DONT KNOW XD but does it fit in here? AAANYWAYYS, I hope you're enjoying Thai so far ❤️

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