A Journey With Jesus

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"And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mathew 28:20).

"And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mathew 28:20)

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Today I receive all of God's love for me.

Today I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God's universe.

Today I open myself to God's blessings, healings, and miracles.

Today I open myself to God's Word, so that I become more like Jesus every day.

Today I proclaim that I'm God's Beloved, I'm God's Servant, I'm God's Powerful Champion,

And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus name. Amen.

[Novena to God's Love by Bo Sanchez]

There were once two men walking back home. These men happened to be the disciples of Jesus. They were Cleopas and Simon. They were discussing about a lot of things that happened for the past three days.

Three days ago, their teacher suffered and was crucified. And just this morning, the women told them that Jesus has been resurrected, for when they came to the tomb, they found it empty, and two angels told them that Jesus of Nazareth was alive.

That's why they were so sad in their way home from Jerusalem. And it happened that while they're busy walking and debating if it's true or not, Jesus himself drew near and walked with them. But they didn't recognize him. It may be because it's already dark that they couldn't see his face properly, or perhaps it could've been they were so hungry in their journey, and tired and depressed they were emotionally on Jesus crucifixion, that they didn't notice that the stranger was Jesus himself.

Listening to their conversation, the stranger asked what they were discussing about.

They were surprised to know that he didn't know anything. It was Cleopas who said, "Are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who doesn't know what's happening?"

They both looked downcast as Cleopas narrated.

"Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word, was handed over by our chief priest to be sentenced to death, and he was crucified," he said, "but we were hoping that he was the Messiah, the Chosen One who will redeem Israel. Anyway, early this morning, some women from our group went to the tomb and found it empty. Instead they saw two angels who told them that Jesus was alive. So, some of our men went to the tomb but didn't find him. And so we're wondering if he really was resurrected."

Then, the stranger said, "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Wasn't it necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"

And he interpreted to them what the scriptures said about the Messiah, beginning from Moses to all of the prophets, how the Son of Man will suffer, died, and will be resurrected in the third day.

And as they reached their home, the stranger gave the impression that he was going on farther. So they urged him to stay for the night because it was nearly evening.

Then, as they were sitting by the table, having taken the rest, with full stomach, and joyous spirit, they realized that the stranger was actually Jesus. However, as soon as they realized it, Jesus suddenly vanished in thin air.

So they rejoiced and immediately went back to Jerusalem and recount the events that happened to them to the eleven apostles (Luke 24:13-31).

God has always wanted to tell you that you're not alone. And you will never be.

The Holy Trinity represents God in three forms: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But it doesn't mean that God is divided into three.

You see, Jesus is known to interpret complex things through stories (parables) in order that people may understand them easily. So he introduced the Holy Trinity to describe how He can always be with each one of us, at the same time.

The Father – means that God is like a loving parent, always looking over us from heaven, to guide our path.

The Son – like Jesus, He can exist within our midst and preach the gospel and the Kingdom of Heaven, like a brother and a friend.

The Holy Spirit – He can also exist within each one of us, at the same time, to inspire and to lighten our soul. Wherever we would go, He is there within us.

In the same way as in the story, Jesus has joined in each of our journeys. Ever since God came down from heaven to connect with us, He has joined in our journeys through life.

But we didn't notice him until we pray and venerate in His words, and worship and be grateful of Him. Until we looked over our shoulder, that we see that all along God is just there with us.

Walking with us.

But just like the men in the story, we didn't recognize him because we're so engrossed into our problems. We're just so focus on how big the problems are, we fail to see how God is bigger than them, bigger than all the universe. 

Do you remember how Simon and Cleopas looked so downcast in the story? Indeed, they're so tired, hungry, and spiritually worn-out in their journey, and with the road so dark, they feel so small and their problem so great, that they didn't notice that Jesus is walking with them to their destination.

But God is telling you now:

"My child, even though the Earth feels so huge, or your world crumbles in front of you, and the path you choose seems dark and uncertain, I am there with you every step of the way, until the very end."

My friend, endure until it's over. Let us finish strong, so that when we reach our destination, we'll find not just the fruit of our labor, but discover that Jesus too has joined us in this journey we call life.

# Lord, help us to trust in what we cannot see. Because sometimes what's real is something that you can't see with your own eyes. Help us to shine our light no matter how burned out we became. Helps us to see that a candle only shines brighter when there's total, total darkness. For life is simply a journey. A journey to get to know You better.

Are their problems that worn you out and feel like God abandon you? Many people around the world committed suicide because they feel so alone and no one to understand them. Feel free to leave your message below or message me privately. I'll try to encourage you with the word of God.

It's hard to believe that I couldn't see

You were always there beside me

Thought I was alone

With on one to hold

But you were always right beside me

This feeling like no other

I've never had someone that knows me like you do

The way you do

I've never had someone as good for me as you

No one like you so lonely before I finally found

What I've been looking for. 

[From the song: What I've been looking for? as HSM's Themesong)

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