One Step At A Time

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"The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." (Psalm 37:23-24)

One step at a time. One dream at a time. One area of your life at a time.

Today I receive all of God's love for me

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Today I receive all of God's love for me.

Today I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God's universe.

Today I open myself to God's blessings, healings, and miracles.

Today I open myself to God's Word, so that I become more like Jesus every day.

Today I proclaim that I'm God's Beloved, I'm God's Servant, I'm God's Powerful Champion,

And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus name. Amen.

[Novena to God's Love by Bo Sanchez]

There's a man who started planting oak trees on an empty field every day. As time pass, the trees he planted one by one, become a forest. 

Nowadays we're living in a fast-paced world. People are running around to be on time. People are panicking to multi-task. Some are running in the highway not to be hit by cars. Breakfast on the desk, skipping lunch for deadlines, no bio-break during call shift, and forever OTs.  

It's like an amazing race every day. So it's like it's a sin to slow-down. 

But we're compelled to overwork. We're pressured to do our best more than what our bodies can handle for the moment. Because in this time and age, where relevance is based on results, you'll get run-over by others if you slow-down.

It's the truth. Look at what everybody have posted in social media today. They're all trying to show off their worth and adventure. (I'm not saying I'm not the same). We're trying to impress other people of what we have accomplished, like gadgets we've purchased, places we've been to, friends' night-outs, relationship goals, and the all-famous facial evolution. That's why we're always so amaze when someone get famous at a very young age. We look up at them as successful and accomplished. And so it now becomes a standard.  

That's why God's message for you today: 

Don't be in a hurry, child. For I am on time. 

There's more than enough blessings in the world for everyone. You'll never run out of them. Look at the sands in the beach. From the beginning of times until now, men took sands from beaches for hollow blocks, mirrors, and glasses. But why is that the world never run out of sands? 

God promised the first will be last, and the last will be first (Mat 20:16).

So don't be in a hurry. You'll never run out of blessings.  

In the Bible, the mustard seed that a farmer planted didn't grow suddenly into a tree the other day. No matter how he works hard taking care of it, day after day, it didn't immediately grow into a tree. It takes months for a little mustard seed to grow and flourish like a mustard tree. Cause if you rush success, it will turn back to you angrily. You either get poison by fame, or your body just gives up from too much work and pressure.  

Look at what happened to Katy Perry. She just fell like a log on the stage. It's so heartbreaking when you see it. People says it's the drugs. Other blames her talent agency. (I just hope one day, she get back to stardom stronger and wiser, so she'll become an inspiration to people).

Just like in the story, your seeds will become a tree. Then your trees will grow to many. So that one day, it will become a forest. 

A forest so strong and impregnable. That's God's promise. 

But today, you have to rest

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But today, you have to rest. Patience is not anymore a virtue. Patience is faith. 

Because God's promises are certain and absolute. He  never break His promises. He never lies and make mistakes. He's perfect. And so, when He says you're going to have a bright future, you're really going to have a bright future. Believe in Him, and take your time. Because  God is always on time. Besides, you're one day closer to your dreams today than you were yesterday. Therefore, take one step at a time, and feel the moments.  

# Dear Lord, we know that you're working in our life, through our ups and downs you're there. But sometimes we can't feel you because we're so busy in this world that's so noisy and messy. But now, I'll learn to lean on you more. Like what you said to Peter, he will be the rock to which You will build Your Church. You'll also be my rock to which I can build my life. Cause even though life's so uncertain. I'm sure You're the only one that's certain. 

How about you? Are you always in a hurry? Always chasing and running around? God says take your time to rest. Leave your comments below. 

You are God, and we lift You up

We'll keep singing, we'll keep praising

We won't stop, giving all we got

Cause You're worthy, of all glory

Oh, there is no other

You are forever, Lord over all

There's nobody like You, no one beside You

To You

Let endless praise resound

Every night and day, and with no delay.

Let endless praise resound. 

[Endless Praise by Planetshakers]

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