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Zachary's POV

“We have to close a deal this morning. Get your butt out of bed right now, ” Nicholas said pulling the sheets off of me.

"It's so early. Frickin early,"

“It's 6:30 am, get up, ” my twin brother insisted. We were identical twins. The only difference being the hair colour and the jaw structure.

"Nick, leave me alone,"

“Get up Zack, father will be displeased. Where were you last night after all? Father called, you know... ”

"I went out," I said throwing off my sheets and getting to my feet.

“Someone sure has grown a tongue, ”

"Cut it out," I said throwing a pillow at him. Lucky for him, he caught it just before it collided with his face.

“Thirty minutes,”

"I'll be done in a few,"

“Whatever bro,” he said as he exited my room. I ran a quick cold shower and in a few minutes I was in a black suit. I met Nick on my way down.

'Hello boys,' father piped. 'You'll be served breakfast at the meeting. Punctuality is required,'

He was an old man in his early forties yet he seems as young as time could tell.

'Nick, Zack, let's go,' he ordered. 'And would you two make your hair. It's bad for publicity.'

Each of us boarded our cars as we headed out, leaving the caretaker in charge of the house. I placed my phone on loudspeaker on top of the co-driver seat.

'The deal is between five major companies. Today's meeting should help us assess the better partner for our company,' father explained through the phone 

“Basically, you need our help with cancelling out the less suitable ones... ” Nick cut in.

'As easy as that,' father finished before ending the call.

I followed the same direction in which Nick's car was turning since he too was following father's car. After about half an hour more of driving, we parked our cars outside the same hotel. We found about three gentlemen seated at table. We were informed that one was on his way.

'Gentlemen,' father piped.

They all stood up in acknowledgement of our arrival before we all sat down.

Lenard's, glad you could join us.

We all nodded.

So, the briefing. We have five major oil companies. We have tried to single out the best ones but they all seem to be fairing quite well in the stock market. Three of our companies headed by the three of you, require your approval.

Father's assistant finished.

What is your take on the issue? The decision is to be filed in a few days.

My assistant finished.

“Have you done background checks, how they treat their workers, if they have ever been involved in fraud cases, any dirt on them,” Nick contributed.

Yes. We have everything about them in these files.

My father's assistant removed some files from a brown briefcase.

So, he's the quiet one.

He said pointing at me. Nick glared at him while father stayed calm.

'He is,' father answered.

“Do you have a problem with that?” Nick asked coldly.

'Give me the files,' father ordered him. 'You're certain all the information you could get on them is here?'


Another man joined us after a polite greeting. Father passed all the files to me as he started familiarising himself with the hotel. We were in the restaurant section. I perused through the files with ease and set aside three of them.

"I've cancelled out the three," I said as I remained with two files in hand. "We won't partner with them,"


"Their statistics. Some major dates are missing. Some of their workers’ fees are below minimum wage. One is bankrupt," I said eyeing my father's assistant.

Why?.. How would you tell that in just a few minutes?

He knows his statistics,” Nick answered as if we had won a battle.

And how will you know from the other two, which one...

"I'll take my time," I answered smartly. I could see that I had clearly ticked him off. I smirked.

Sir Douglas...

He looked at our father.

'I believe in my sons. One more thing, next time, don't talk absent mindedly,'

Nick and I cast quick glances at each other.

'I believe we've concluded the first quarter of our meeting? Shall we have breakfast?' father said.

When should I expect the report?

Tomorrow eve...

"By today night," I cut Nick short. He stared daggers at me. Father looked at me in wonder for less than a second. I knew Nick probably wanted to kill me. I had talked ahead of my thinking. Now we would have tons to do today. I mentally slapped myself.

'They always amaze me,' father said proudly calling on the waiter. My ego was great. Well, f**k.

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