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I woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding, a familiar smell dangling in my nostrils. Hospital? No. My eyes fluttered open and I indeed was in a hospital bed. I looked around and found the usual necessities surrounding me. I still had my clothes on. Good. I decided on the most logical thing. Climb out of the room. I hated hospitals. I hurried to the window and looked down. Long way down. Great. I put one foot out and gathered enough courage to help me climb down the building.

'Julia, what do you think you are doing,'

I felt cold arms wrap themselves around my waist. In a few seconds, I was nowhere close to the window.

'It's not worth killing yourself,'

I scoffed internally. Me? Scoff. Kill myself?

'Don't worry. I disposed of the gun,' he finished just as I heard the door creak open. A doctor appeared, Zac trailing behind him.

'"She'll be fine. It was just high stress levels. But, if this happens again, don't hesitate to come back,"'

He said before leaving to attend to his many patients.

"Are you two always this close?" Zac asked.

Close? It just hit me that Luke had his arms around my waist the whole time, my back against his chest.

'Closer,' he said tightening his grip and laying his head on my shoulder. A quick glare passed across Zac's face.

“What? No. We aren't. I mean. It's not what you think. I mean,”

Why was I even explaining my -our- situation to him?
I sighed wiggling out of Luke's grasp with ease.

'I'm her b-'

“Best friend,” I cut in.

Luke smirked.
Zac nodded as if coming to terms with my lie.

"Oh, sorry for the confusion," Zac said apologising to Luke. "I already paid the bill," he said turning to leave.

“Zac,” he turned. “It's Julia. Julia Lane,”

"Nice to finally know your name Julia,"

As soon as he walked out, I turned to Luke.

“What was that about?”

'Hey, chill Lane, I thought it would be weird for any other explanation. And for your information, I was going to say brother. Get it,' he said pointing in between us, 'Cause we are family, that's why we are close,'

I just stood there like a fool listening to his extremely logical explanation.

'But I have now understood something, he means something to you. Right?'

I scoffed. Yeah right.

'Let's head home, shall we?' he said gesturing to the door.


Zachary's P.O.V

I walked out of the hospital more exhausted than I'd ever been before. I needed to get some relaxation. I had spent my whole evening figuring out which company among the two would be best suited for us. I had just managed to get enough time to get to see her, but when I arrived at the restaurant, she was screaming at some blonde haired guy to let go of her. I did the most logical thing, I reacted. But now, after realising he was her best friend, I somehow regretted my actions. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. Maybe. I got into my car and settled on the driver’s seat. I started the car and rerouted my GPS for home. From this ordeal, I got to know her name. Of course I had asked the blonde guy, who evidently, didn't like me calling him “Blondie”. Luke, as he had named himself, told me her name. Julia Lane. That's how I was able to pay the hospital fee. But, when she personally told me her name, it felt different. I had almost misunderstood their relationship until Julia explained that they were friends. Suddenly, a small frame jumped out of nowhere. It took all my senses to stop the car from colliding with the small body. The car screeched to a sudden halt a few inches from the person. After a few seconds of composing myself, I got out of the car to check up on the person.

"Kid, are you okay?" I said grabbing him gently by the shoulders. "What are you doing here at this time alone?"

The boy looked at me frightened before he started running again. Great. You scared the sh*t out of a little boy. Just great.

"Hey, wait," I said chasing after him.

Thanks to my long strides I caught up to him in no time and stopped him in his tracks.

"Can I get you something to eat?"

I smiled at the frightened boy. Before he could reply, I heard his stomach growl. I guess by the expression on my face, he calmed down. Come to think of it, he did look worn out. More worn out than I could ever be. And he was just a kid.

"You know, I can get you waffles, ice cream..." I went on as I led him back to my car. "Eggs, whatever you want..." I said as I fixed his seatbelt.

He clutched tightly at his backpack making me wonder what was in it. I ruffled his jet black hair making it stand more than it already had. Maybe tomorrow, I could head to the police station, or have someone lodge a “missing child” case. For now, he needed some food and I believed we both needed a rest. He looked outside the window as I started the car again.

End of P.O.V

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