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Same morning...
I woke up with the sound of my alarm clock ringing. Yet another day. I hurriedly prepared myself and went down to make breakfast. It was about 6am. I had developed the habit of making breakfast for the Lockharts. It wasn't much of a bother. I settled down to make bacon, eggs and blended the fresh mangoes I had set aside the previous night. A few minutes later, Katrina and Jason were up. I could tell by the shuffling of feet from their room. I served the table and decided on having my breakfast in the kitchen. I was halfway done when I heard them alight the flight of stairs.


Had I done something wrong? Why was he calling me this early in the morning? On usual days, we hardly spoke to each other in the morning. I started going through a mental list of the things I might have done wrong since the previous day. Call me paranoid, but heck...

"Julia, we're going to get our son from the airport, could you handle the restaurant today?" Jason breathed.


"We might be late and maybe,i might not even make it to run the place..."

Wait,... Son?

'Honey, we should get going, we might be late,' Katrina said as she held onto his shoulders lovingly and waved me a goodbye.

“Sure ma'am” I sighed. “Sir”

'And thank you for the breakfast darling, but we'll have to pass,' Katrina shouted from wherever she was and I heard the door bang.

They never told me they had a son?
Wait, I never asked, did I?
I nodded my head knowing I was partly at fault for not knowing this fact. Please let it be a little boy. Please let it be a little boy. I cleared the table and in a few minutes I was heading out the house. I locked the door and put the keys in “the usual place”.

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes to seven and opened up shop. I was glad when the waitresses and waiter, in this case Dimitri, showed up on time. The day was more hectic than usual since we were a man down. Usually, our boss, Jason supervised the whole place. We worked against the clock as we tried to serve the customers to the best of our ability. If it were not for some blonde guy staring at me the whole time as from after lunch, I would have said that I, that we... had done a great job. I shifted my gaze to the man sitting at a corner table sipping his drink slowly. It was about 5 pm, and he was still staring at me. Not in an uncomfortable way, but just staring.

'We need these orders for six tables,' Dimitri piped.

I said as I took the orders to the chefs. A few minutes later  I had brought what was needed to the counter. Still there.

'I can help out,' I heard a man's voice offer.
It was the same blonde guy. His eyes were an endless pool of blue and he had a well chiselled jaw. He had a smirk on his face that I couldn't quite read. I could tell he was muscular by the way his shirt clung so tightly to his body. Two words. Bad news.

“No thanks,” I said shrugging my shoulders as I went to help out in serving. I would then hurry back to the counter, take the orders, and the process continued.

'Where are my manners,' he said stopping me midway my stride.
Had I not stopped a second sooner, the tray of food I was holding would have rammed into him. I tried finding my way around him but he just kept on blocking me. Dimitri saw this, and I saw him come my way. Maybe he was going to send this guy off.

'Table 51 right?' Dimitri said taking the tray from my hands.

Maybe not.

Yes,” I answered Dimitri as he walked off.

'My name is Luke,'

And, why would you tell a random stranger, in this case - me, your name? I glared at him, not saying a word.

'Luke Lockhart,'

My glare turned into realisation. Katrina and Jason's son. No wonder Dimitri didn't bother with him. He knew him. Say something smart.

I'm Julia. Julia Lane,”

'I would have talked to you sooner, but I guessed you were busy,so... You are like, you know, my sister?'

I looked at him speechlessly, confusion evident on my face. He nervously run his hand through his blonde hair as if realising what he'd just said.

'Guess I'll just wait up for you...'

“No, it's fine. You can head home,”

Guess he isn't a little boy. I feared that he would protest but instead he nodded and after paying his bill, walked out of the restaurant. I didn't get it either. I mean. If this were my parents’ restaurant, I could just eat for free. Right? Maybe not. Dimitri gestured to the counter where I should have been, and I immediately got his message.

'Order for table 19,'


I pulled my trench coat closer to my body to generate some heat, which was really lacking right now. I was locking the door when I heard a familiar voice.

'It was a good thing I waited up for you,'

Luke? Had he been out here the whole time? Before I could ask him any question, I heard another voice boom.

'"Ah, Luke... Long time. Fate is on my side I see,"'

'What do you want,' Luke hissed.

"'Come on, is that how you greet an old friend. Seems I am unfamiliar with the life, outside prison,"' the man stressed the last two words of his statement so I figured out it was a big deal.

Luke pulled me protectively behind him. I saw the man reach for his gun and instinctively, I reached for my pocket knife. He had a clear aim at Luke's chest and I knew something had to be done. In a second's impulse, I pushed Luke to the side and aimed the knife at the man's hand. He gasped in pain as his gun fell to the ground. The next thing I knew, I was crouching down reaching for his gun as the man fled the scene. Just as I pocketed both my knife and a newly acquired gun, I felt a strong arm grip me making me stand to my feet.

'Who are you?'

I had partially forgotten that Luke was still here. He tightened his grip on my arm.

'I asked. Who the hell are you? A normal person doesn't have that good an aim. You weren't even fazed by the threat of a gun...'

“Let go of me! Your hurting me,” I yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let go of her,"

I turned my head slightly to see Zac. He landed a punch straight on Luke's jaw. Luke stumbled back a little before hitting Zac back. No. This was not what I wanted. This shouldn't be happening. My vision started becoming blurry as my head felt faint.

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