6 months later

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(Not Edited)
6 months later
Unknown POV

"So, Ms.Arts and Mr.Joker are getting wedded." I point out to my little sister's. There twins.

"And she's with child." My youngest sister says sleep-ish-ly. I groan in frustration.

"Do you think we should tell Red Eye yet?" My middle sister asked.

"Call him. Tell him we have to plan a wedding crash." I smirked. They just looked at me confused. I roled my eyes. "Tell he we are crashing the wedding!"

Tasha's POV

"Oh my Go- right there." I moan, tilting my head back as Ryder does wonders on me.

"Why you getting so worked up over a foot massage?" He chuckled. I bite my lip. Ryder right now was giving me a foot massage. My feet was killing me after walking around the mall all day looking for the perfect wedding dress. I look down to see Ryder's friend standing at attention. Ryder cleared his throat.  I looked up to see him smirking. "Six more months."

All I could do was bit my lip. Ryder has been keeping a chart of my 'bad behavior'. The higher the chart, the more I live to regret my decision of twelve months. I'm growing more and more horny by the minute. And I can tell he is too. Before I could do anything the door bursts open, revealing JR. He runs and jumps up on the bed.

I smiled at JR then remember something. "Ryder don't you need to go fix something?" I ask.

"No I dont." He smirks. He knows how much his manhood aching for my attention kills me. Not to mention, JR. I glare at him. He puts his hands up in surrender and walks in the bathroom, turning on the shower.

"JR, let's go play with your toys." I smile. He nods with a smile. "Meet you there." I say poking his nose. He giggles and runs out the room.

Just in time too. I started to hear Ryder's groans and moans. I silently laugh to myself. "Enjoy that cold shower!" I yell before wobbling out the room. I saw Kim wobbling her way to me with Sophia. Once Sophia saw me, she too off running.

"Auntie Tasha!" I couldn't exactly crouch down and I didn't really want her jumping on me so I told her to slow down. She did and just hugged my leg.

"Hey pumpkin." I smiled.

"After the day we've had with the wedding, I figured a play date was in order." Kim smiled. "Is he napping?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"Come on." I said walking to JR's room. Once we got there I knocked on his already open door. He looked up at me. "Hey bigguy." I waved. JR smiled. "This is Sophia." I said as Sophia stood in front of me.

"Hi." Sophia said shyly.

"Hey." JR said all cooly and with a wink. Sophia just blushed. I looked to Kim and she was already gone. I sighed.

"JR I have to have a talk with your dad. Is it okay if Sophia and you stay here and play?" I asked then remembered that JR was Ryder's son. "With the toys." I rushed out. "Stay here and play with the toys like normal, little, kids."

JR looked at me with an unreadable look before nodding his head. Sophia looked at me for a second then took off running in the room.

I took a deep inhale then exhaled. More or less like a deep sigh. Then I wobbled back me and Ryder's room. Ryder was on smiling slyly, his phone, laying on the bed. I wobbled over to the bed and snatched his phone from his hand. "Okay." Ryder said.

"Really, I said twelve months." I said as I looked at his phone. He was looking up ways to have sex with your pregnant shawty.

"Can I have my phone back?" He chuckled, handing out his hand so I could put his phone in it. When I didn't he narrowed his eyes at me. I sighed then gave him his phone. "Thanks." He said then took out a chart.

"Not that damn chart again." I complained. He look up at me.

"You misbehaved." He said patting my head. I pushed his hand away.

"I'm not a dog." I gritted through my teeth. My anger switch was on.

"Of course your not." Ryder smirked. "Your my puppy." He smiled. I grabbed a pillow and throw it at him.

"I'm neither asshole." I said leaving the room. I was so close to the door when strong arms wrapped around me. "Let me go."

"I'm sorry for calling you a dog." Ryder said. I leaned my back into him with a smirked.

"What you say?" I asked slyly. I just want to hear him say it again.

"I'm sorry," he kissed behind my ear. "for calling," then he kissed just underneath my jawline. "you," then he kissed my kneck. "a dog." After the last part of his apology was said, he began to attract just above my collar bone with romantic kissed.

"Stop that tickles." I giggled and he stopped. I turned around in his arms and pecked his lips. "You know what else rhymes with tickles." I asked.

"Your hungry aren't you?" He asks with a chuckle. I nod my head.

"What time is it." I asked him.

"Eight. Why?"

"Pickle time!" I yell. It wasn't long before the door burst open revealing Kim. Kalven and Ryder looked at us awkwardly. "What?"

"You'll can't keep eating like this. Y'all are gonna get fat." Kalven blurted out. Ryder looked at Kalven then to me and Kim.

"Be brave my friend." He said then left.

"Are you saying we're fat?" Kim asked.

At that moment, he knew he fucked up.

Ryder's POV

I walked to the kitchen to get some pickles for my queen and Kim. I was just about to go upstairs when Tina called. I was about to answer it but my phone was snatched out of my hand. This time by Kim.

"Do I have to get ride of another princess barbie?" She asked.

"Another?" I asked. "You mean that cute rude prissy rich check?" I asked. Kim nodded her head.

"You must have really put work in with her." She said with a glare.

"Don't start. That girl was just a forced one night stand before me and Tasha even tried this again." I stated.

"If it was just a one night stand, why was she calling you babe and shit like that?" She asked. "And who did she know where you live? Did y'all do the nasty here?"

"No we didn't. We fucked in the back of her car. And I don't why she was calling my babe nor how she knew where I live. She's a crazy stalker." I honestly say. Kim looked at me oddly before glaring. She walked over to me and snatched the pickles and peanut butter from my hands.

"I'm watching you Joker." She said walking away.

"Hey that's for-" She cut me off.

"Tasha, I know." She yelled while walking up the stairs.

Shake my damn head. I wonder what ever happened to that crazy rich bitch...

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