Out birth

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Kalven's POV.

After we're finished tieing up Ryder's little crazy fan club, we run up stairs to find Kim, Tasha and the kids. Ryder tried to open the door but it was locked. "Kim you in there?" I yelled as Ryder banged on the door.

"No, no, no. Can't you wait till we get to a hospital to come out." I heard Kim cry out. I'm guessing she's talking to the baby. "Kalven I can't move."

"Listen closely. Max is here. He can deliver the babies and Ryder can help him." I yelled.

"Dude I never-" Ryder complain but I shut him up.

"All you have to do is open to door." Ryder yelled. For a minute their was silence. Then I heard the door unlock. Me and Ryder ran in the room. Ryder caught Tasha, which was about to fall. And I ran to a knocked out Kim.

"Kim?" I questioned. I was confused. Then Tasha screamed.

"Babe, the baby's coming." She cried. Ryder just nodded and had her lay down on the bed. Just then a small hand slightly began tugging on my shirt. I looked down to see Sophia.

"What wong with mommy?" She shyly asked. I thought about it for a second. I thought about taking my phone out and google-ing ways to tell a child her mommy is knocked out from child birth.

But then I came to conclusions of just saying, "Mommy's taking a nap. Can you do her a favor and go play with JR...in Ryder's Office. And lock the door. Who ever finds a stash off money gets a hundred dollars." After I said a hundred dollars, Sophia dashed out the room. I'm guessing JR heard me because he ran after her.

"Why my office and money stash?" Ryder more like complained. I was about to reply but Tasha cut in.

"Ryder, imma kill you." She groaned. "Where's Max?"

"I'm right here." He said walking in with another person.

"Who the hell that?" I asked. I asked him.

"Alex." Tasha moaned. I looked at Ryder and Ryder looked at Tasha.

"Alex?" Ryder asked. The random girl raised her hand.

"We can talk about this later. Alex help Kim." Max demanded.

"I like how you boss me around yet I'm the doctor." Alex muttered, low but I was close enough to hear her.

"What an I suppose to do?" I asked.

"Try to wake her up and not get punched." Alex said as she started to do her doctoring.

I really don't know what she's doing.


"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Soph asked. I just shook my head 'no' and kept looking for a money.

"Have you?" I asked with a small smile. She shook her head 'no'. I shrugged and walked to my dad's computer.

"What you doing?" She asked.

"I'm gonna watch cartoons." I simply said.

"Me too." She squeaked. We both was small enough to fit in one chair. His computer was already turned on. I moved the mouse and the screen flicked on. But I could find the google all I saw was my room, the living, my dad's room and other rooms.

"What are they doing to mommy?" Soph said. I just shrugged my shoulders and we kept watching.

Tasha's POV

Of course I know Alex. We were... special friends back then. Kim gave one last push and out came out her baby. And here I am still with a human being in me. Kalven's hand is probably broken. And Ryder fell out form looking at my v.

He said 'Oh look theirs a head.' Then past out. Yep, he went Timber. Face first to the ground.

"Tasha, one last big push okay." Max said. I nodded my head and pushed. After about five seconds, I heard crying. But I still felt pain.

"It's a boy." Max said happyly.

"Oh, that's good. Why do I still feel pain?" I cried.

"A baby just burst from your vagina." Alex said.

"No, like-" I was cut off by a wave of pain. Like burning lighting.

"Wait, wait. I see a head." Max said. "Tasha, you having twins."

"Twins?" I questioned almost lost for air.

"Imma need you to push." And so I did. For forty five minutes straight. This baby is chubby.

"I present to you, Tasha Arts, twin boys." Kalven laughed.

"You two get some rest. I'll get the kids safely sound to the adaptation of air and sleep." Alex joked.

"And I'll get Ryder." Kalven chuckled. I didn't fuss. I was exhausted yet relieved. But I could stop thinking...am I forgetting something?

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