"Amy, this is Bridget," Chandler said in a sarcastic tone.
"Whatever..." 'Amy' smirked, popping her gum.
Ew, wait. She kissed Chandler with gum in her mouth?? Ga-ross!
"Bridget this is Amy."
I smiled.
Wow, this girl is stunning. Like perfect. Amy has the body a 12 year-old should have-meaning skinny wise-even though she looks about my age. She has the biggest boobs I've ever seen. I normally don't judge people by their looks, but she definitely seems to be the it girl.
A boy came running over and stopped next to Chandler.
"Dude! Yo Chandler, man you gotta check this out!!"
"I'll be right back girls," he said, winking at the both of us. Amy blew him a kiss.
I was staring at Amy. I don't know why, but I just was.
She grabbed her phone from her bra and began typing something.
"Take a picture lesbo, it'll last longer," she said, looking down at her phone.
"I'm not a lesbian."
"Okay," she said sarcastically.
"I'm not!!" I snapped back.
"Look, I know you have a thing for my man," she said, giving me the death stare.
Why would I have a crush on him??
"I know you do. Just the way you looked at us while we were looking at us when we were making out, ya know."
She was trying to intimidate me, make me angry.
"I do not have a crush on your man. I just met him literally 5 minutes ago. He was nice to me, alright?!"
Amy rolled her eyes.
"If you like, I could explain the word nice to you because obviously you don't know what it means." I'm not the best at 'come backs.' I try really hard at trying to sound intimidating.
But I guess it worked.
"Excuse me bitch?!"
I looked at her.
That's when she pushed me down. I landed on my ass.
"You think you can say that to me you slut?!?" She screamed.
"I'm not the slut in this situation..." I said under my breath.
"What did you just say??!" She screamed once more, kicking me in the shin.
I groaned in pain as her posse watched, laughing. Like they did this all before. I sat there. And took it. Like it was nothing. I was so used to it by now.
Amy smirked at me.
"Looks like you've gone through this before, huh?"
I sat there, staring at the floor.
"Ya cut?"
I looked up at her. I tried not to give her any sign that I do but I guess my glossy eyes gave it all away.
She grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me up. She uncovered my wrists to reveal all of the slits in my wrists.
"Look everybody!" She called out and immediately got everyone's attention.
"This bitch cuts! This piece of shit cuts!!"
The giggly tone in her voice irked my soul.
Everyone gasped. Then there were chuckles and giggles everywhere.
I broke from her grip and ran down the hall.
"Where the hell is the bathroom!?" I shouted at one girl.
"Down the--"
I ran for the bathroom. I got in there and locked one of the stall doors. I swung my purse forward, unzipped it, and reached inside.
I got my razor blade.
All Garren had to show me was some hot girls outside. I didn't care, though.
Once I got back inside, I went straight to Amy. I noticed Bridget wasn't there.
"Where's Bridget?" I asked.
"I don't know! She said she had to go to the bathroom, maybe..." She stopped to look a her phone, "...maybe 5 minutes ago!" The tone in her voice was suspicious.
I glared at her.
I walked over to the girls' bathroom. If I get caught going into there, I could get in big trouble.
Since today is the first day of school, we don't have classes. It's just a free day to roam the school and check out what's going on.
I waited until the halls were cleared when I heard sobs coming from the bathroom.
I knocked.
"Is anyone in there?"
It went silent. Obviously someone was in there.
"Bridget?! I know you're in there!"
I heard a gasp and a groan. I busted through the door to see all but one door closed.
I went over to it.
"Bridget please come out!!"
"N-no," she said in between sobs.
"Please!" I begged.
I heard her shuffle and the lock slowly unlatch. I saw her. Her face. She's absolutely beautiful. Just perfect. But a red liquid caught eye. It was on her hands and all over her wrists. But not only was there blood.
There were cuts.
"Bridget!" I cried.
She feel to her knees, then to her side. She was breathing heavy when I noticed a blade on the bathroom floor.
"You know my secret," she smiled softly.

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
FanfictionBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...