~I'm nothing. Just some piece of garbage waiting to be thrown away. I want to go away. Away from everything.
Away from my pain.
Away from my stress.
Away from my loneliness.
But you brought me back, from the dark. A little late though. I wished you would of came sooner, so the marks on my heart weren't so hard to heal.
I don't want you to ever leave my side. I want to wake up in the morning, right by my side.
Just please remember. I'll always be there for you, as long as you're there for me. Watching my back, making sure I'm okay. And I'll do the same.~
"Roll up your sleeve!" He repeated, like it was nothing.
What the fuck is wrong with him?
I stare at him like he's crazy until he finally gets the point.
"You cut?" Kathleen raised a brow, curiously.
I stayed quiet.
"Pathetic bitch," she mumbled.
"The fuck, you cut too, bitch!" Sam snapped at Kathleen.
I haven't even known him for 3 hours and he's already standing up for me like we've known each other since birth.
"Well she looks like she has a perfect life..." Kathleen picked at her food.
I'm done.
"I don't have a perfect life. You don't know what I've fucking been through you bitch. Don't you dare say that when you know nothing about me!!" I yelled, a little too loud.
The cafeteria went silent, all eyes on me. I got up, leaving my tray where it was.
"Do I have a perfect life, Kathleen?" I sarcastically asked.
She glared at me.
I ran out of the lunchroom, towards the bathroom. The same one I was in just a day before.
As I ran down the hall, I heard footsteps behind me and felt like someone was following me. But nothing when I turned around.
I opened the bathroom door and ran I to one of the stalls.
I broke down. Black tears from my mascara and eyeliner streamed my face.
I would get my razor out and begin to slice into my wrists, but I'm stronger than that. At least I think I am.
Maybe I'm just over exaggerating...
But I have to get rid of the pain... sometimes. Just make it all go away.
"Just...just a f-few," I stutter, reaching into my bag.
My shaky hands dropped the razor, causing the metal object to echo throughout the creepy bathroom.
I heard the door creak open, and soft footsteps enter.
Three quiet knocks on the stall door.
"Bridget...is that you?" A voice croaked.
"Please don't do this again," I heard the nervousness in his voice. I reached up and unlocked the stall door.
It opened, slowly, to reveal Chandler staring down at me. His piercing blue eyes caught my attention.
"Thank god!" He pleaded.
He grabbed my hand, yanking me to my feet. His arms wrapped around my waist.
I dropped the razor and wrapped my arms around his neck.
I buried my face in his chest.
"Thank god," he repeated.
"I-I wasn't gonna do anything," I lie.
"Whatever. I'm just glad you're okay," he whispered.
"C-Chandler?" I stuttered again.
"Yeah? What's up?" He released me from his grip.
"So, today I met a guy. His name is Sam."
"Sam Elica?"
"Yeah, he had blue eyes like you and a red streak going through his hair," I guessed. I don't know anyone's last names.
"That's him."
"Well, I kinda saved him from getting the shit beat out of him," I told Chandler.
"Saved him from who?" He curiously asked.
"I don't know. Some jocks. But, Sam, he told me to...stay away from you. He said you were bad news," I informed him.
"Oh," he mumbled.
"And he said you did some stuff in the past, and he got caught up in it, and you were a player..."
He stayed silent.
"Is all of that true?" I asked.
"O-of course not!" He bit his lip.
"It's not?" I said.
"None of that's true. Yeah, I mean I have had a lot of girlfriends," he smirked. "And I have gotten in some fights, but I'm not all that bad."
Chandler pulled me into a hug. He began to play with my hair.
"Ya know, you're really pretty," he whispered.
"N-no, I'm not..." I slowly replied.
He released me. "Are you kidding me?! Fucking look at yourself!"
That caused me to blush. "No ones ever said that to me."
"Well now someone has," he smiled.
I stared into his icy blue eyes. Chandler's lips smashed into mine, our lips moving in sync.
Ugh, not again. He's doing this againnnn...
"N-not here."
He smirked, pulling me into the girls bathroom.
That's when the bell rang.
Damn bell...
{I know it's short, like really short but I kinda wanted to end it like that. But thank you so much for oveR 800 READSSSSS YAAAY
I'm so happy!!
Oooooh Chandler action. But just a little....
There will be more, just sayin.....
Is Chandler lying about everything Sam said? Is it all true? READDD TO FIND OUT😁😁}

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
FanfictionBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...