{Yeah, I'm that girl. That kind of girl who listens to bands, has scars and scabs on her wrists, a screwed up family and a broken heart. Very stereotypical, huh? Not really.
I'm different, everyone is.
I believe I am beautiful because I'm healing. I believe I am getting better.
But those urges, they're coming back}
Bridget's Point of View
School dragged on since I was not worried about anything except Kathleen's wellbeing. I was concerned all day. Sam, Kian, Miranda, Armani, Ryan, Tony and I drove to the hospital the second after school ended.
Kathleen has bad head trauma. Like, really bad. She doesn't know who Miranda is. She couldn't tell Kian and Ryan apart, like she always could, and didn't know her and Kian were dating. Armani, Sam and I were the only ones she remembered. I mean, it took a while for Armani and I, but she instantly remembered Sam. It was weird, though. She was petrified by Kian, like she didn't want to be near him at all.
I just can't believe some of the things she said, like one of the things she said she remembered...
"He pushed me."
"What?" Sam asked.
"Kian pushed me in front of the truck. I didn't walk in front of it, he pushed me...he pushed me!!" I could hear the fear in her voice.
All eyes were on Kian.
"W-What are you talking about?" he finally spoke up.
"You! You know what you did!" she yelled. "You tried to kill me!!"
"That's nonsense! You even said you barely remembered anything," Kian replied.
"Well, this...this is different. I remember this clearly. You pushed me! You tried to kill me!!" Kathleen was screaming at this point, being held down by nurses, her face redder than an apple. It wasn't a surprise when we were asked to leave.
I'm sitting in my room, listening to music when I barely hear a faint knock on my door. I pulled off my headphones and got up to see who was at my door.
"Hey, Bridg..." my dad's thick smoker voice spoke. I bit on my lip and stared.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about last night."
I blinked a couple times and tried to process what words just came out his mouth.
"You're sorry?" I sort of laughed. I really didn't mean to, it just kinda slipped.
"Yes. I don't get to say that often, but I am." Is this some sort of joke?
"Are you drunk?" I said, getting on my tip toes and squinting to look into his eyes.
Dad chuckled. "No, I'm not. But I also want to apologize for all the bad things I did to you and your brother. I really hope you can forgive me." He stood there, waiting for an answer.
"You expect me to forgive you?" I scoffed.
"N-No, not yet though. I was just letting you know that I'm so sorry," his voice sounded very quiet.
Not yet?!
"Oh, so it goes like this: You say you're sorry, and I'm supposed to be like 'Oh dad, lemme sleep on that I'll tell you if it's okay tomorrow morning.' Right?" I snapped.
"...well no, I just-"
"Just stop talking!" I interrupted him. "I hate you. I hate you so much! I hope you're aware that if I had a place to stay other than here, I'd be gone because I don't want to be in a house with you."

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
FanfikceBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...