{Who am I? Who have I become? The little girl, all about smiles and friends, where did that girl go? Where did everything go?
Smiles no longer appear apon my face. Friends never come along anymore. No one is there to help me. Except...
You were the only person who excepted me without knowing me. You were the only person who didn't judge me before you knew who I really was.
And I thank you for that.
I admire you for that.
You are my friend for that.
I love you for that.
You are the most important person in the world to me.
But there are still secrets, little thoughts I still have that you won't be there for me. That I'll go back, falling, dying, becoming one with the darkness.
I never want to go back to my lonely self. I want you to stay with me.
The x-ray was for the most part good. I was dizzy because of my head and my legs hurt and my feet ached. Too much walking.
I have a minor concussion, a fractured ankle, and a broken wrist.
My wrist didn't hurt at all, though. I didn't know it was broken.
The doctor rushed me back into my room to wrap my wrist and get a boot on my leg. But for now, it had to be wrapped and put on an angle so it wouldn't cause me discomfort.
The doctor wheeled me to the room, only to find Chandler sitting in one of the chairs.
He jumped out of his seat.
"Bridget!" He exclaimed.
"Hi," I smiled awkwardly.
There was a short silence before the doctor finally whispered something to me. "Do you know this boy?"
"Uh, yeah, he's my friend from school."
Chandler waves, "sup."
"Would you like him to stay?"
Chandler smiled.
The doctor nodded and helped me out of my wheelchair and onto my bed.
"Wait," I stopped him.
"I wanna see my brother."
"His name?" He sounded annoyed.
"Xavier Sawyer," I told him.
He sighed, quickly checked his clipboard before helping me out of bed, into the wheelchair, and down the hall, Chandler following.
"T-this may be a little to much for you..." The doctor hesitated to open the door to Xavier's room.
"I wanna see him!" I freaked.
He sighed once again before slowly creaking the door open. I jumped out of the wheelchair and pushed through the door.
I gasped.
Seeing my brother, in a hospital bed, bruised and bloody, hooked up to a beeping machine and needles and IVs stuck in him, the doctor was right.
It was too much for me.
I ran to his side, fell to my knees and broke down. I couldn't take it, seeing him like this. I should've been me.
It should've been me.
It should've been me.
It should've been me.
It shouldn't of been him.
"It should've been me...it s-should've been me..." I repeated over and over again in a shaky voice.
A warm hand grazed my shoulder.
"Shh...stop saying that," Chandler cooed.
"M-my broth-ther d-didn't deserve t-this, i-it should of b-been me," I cried.
"He d-didn't do a-anything!!!"
Chandler kneeled down and wrapped his arms around my neck.
He whispered things in my ear, like everything's gonna be alright, it's okay, he'll make it.
Nothing will be alright.
If my brother dies, I won't be able to live in my house alone. My dad, every second of the day trying to piss me off and beat me and just...ruin my life in general, is terrible enough with Xavier in the house. Even though he was a real dick sometimes, I still love the kid.
"And what if he doesn't make it?! What if one day he stops breathing, his heart just gives out?! What if everything isn't okay?! What if I just cut ag--"
"You shut the fuck up!!" Chandler yelled.
Da fuq did he just say?
"You think everything isn't gonna turn out okay, you're shitty little attitude is getting on my fucking nerves and I'm getting tired of it!!! You think your life is awful!"
Ouch. That hurt.
"I told you everything about me, you know my life is shit!" I snapped at him.
He stood up and went for the door. He stopped, turned around and said, "And by the way, I hope your brother doesn't wake up," before turning and slamming the door shut.
Writers block is the worst man.
Weeeeeeelll I'm pretty sure it's gone, hopefully....
Tanks for reading don't forget to leave comments bc I like to read them and to vote!!

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
FanfictionBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...