I told him everything. From my mom dying, to us moving, and everything my dad does to me. It was hard, but I did it.
It was a lot for Chandler to take in all in one morning.
He told me to stop a couple times, but I couldn't. I needed someone to vent to.
He told me he understands why I cut, but I need to stop.
"You need to get those thoughts out of your head," he told me.
"I wish I could, but I can't. I never will be able to. I may of told you everything, but you'll never understand my pain that I face every day. It's not that bullshit stuff that girls make up for attention. I've been bullied since third grade. Now, today, I don't want to get up in the morning. I don't want to eat. I don't want to face my dad. I don't want to face my brother. I didn't want to tell anyone about that but I couldn't keep it in anymore. You sucked me in."
"Have you...ever...attempted suicide?" He asked, hesitantly.
I shook my head. "I've thought about it, but never, ya know, tried..."
He sighed. His lip piercing glistened in the light of moonlight that peered through my window.
"Someone this perfect shouldn't be doing this to herself," he smirked.
All the color from my face flushed to my cheeks. I smiled.
"I knew I could make that beautiful smile appear," he laughed.
"Yeah..." My eyes looked all around the room.
I caught him staring at me. Again, I blushed.
I turned to him. "What??"
He began to lean toward me, scooting closer and closer.
I knew what he was about to do, and really, I wasn't going to stop it. I just met him, I know. But I don't care honestly, I feel like I need this.
His lips smashed into mine. At first, I just sat there, but he pulled me closer.
Our lips moved in sync. His hands moved from my cheek to my waist. I hesitantly put my hands in his hair and tangled my fingers in it.
I felt his tongue try to enter my mouth, but I didn't grant it entrance.
At first...
I eventually let his tongue enter my mouth. And I tried to do the same. But I guess it worked.
Our lips disconnected for only a second when Chandler laid me on my bed and hovered over me. I smiled.
Our lips connected once again. He had one hand on my waist and the other holding up his body. He slid his hand down to my thigh. He pulled away and whipped off his shirt, throwing it to the side.
Wow, this boy has abs.
I put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back down to kiss again. His tongue explored my mouth as I let out a soft moan.
I began to hear low, soft footsteps creak up the stairs. But I'm not sure.
I push Chandler off and begin to listen.
"What," he asks.
He immediately shuts up.
I listen more.
Yup, it's definitely footsteps. Shit.
"Shit shit shit...go-uhh," I stutter, trying to think of a place where Chandler could hide.

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
Fiksi PenggemarBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...