(Fast forward about three weeks ahead)
Bridget's Point of View
"Are they almost done?!" I asked Chandler about the sugar and chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven.
"You're like a little kid," he laughed.
"They smell sooooo good!" I breathe in the aroma of the cookies as my stomach grumbles.
"Give 'em like ten minutes," he told me.
I groaned and walked into Chandler's living room, plopping down on the couch. It's Christmas time, one of my favorite times of the year. I've been staying over Chandler's the past couple nights because I couldn't deal with the hectic shit my dad gives me. It's so fucking dumb and I'm over it.
But I always try to stay positive and do things that make me happy, like baking cookies with my best friend.
Chandler is so into Christmas and it's kind of adorable. He hung up Christmas lights inside and outside of the house the other day. We're planning on getting a Christmas tree tomorrow and decorating it later in the week.
I looked out the window in Chandler's living room and saw snow flurries lightly dusting the grass outside.
"Chandler!!" I gasped and screamed his name. "Come here! It's snowing!"
"What the hell? This is Georgia, it never snows," he walks out of the kitchen and stands next to me, peering out the window.
"Dude it's snowing!!" he gasps, making me jump a little.
"Yeah, no shit Chan," I giggled.
"I've never seen snow before," he beamed. Yeah, I'm the little kid.
"Seriously?!" I looked at him like he was crazy. I can't believe he's never seen snow before!
"I've lived in Georgia all my life, it doesn't snow down here," he explained.
"My mom and dad would take Xavier and I to the Poconos to go skiing every winter," I smiled, thinking about the past when everything seemed to be too perfect.
"The Poconos..." Chandler said, kind of confused. "Where's that at?"
I scoffed, "you've never heard of the Poconos??"
He sighed, and slung his arm around m shoulder. "I've never been outside of Georgia before."
"Why not? No family vacations? Road trips?" I asked, a bit curious why to why he's never been outside of Georgia.
"Parents are always outta town for work. They don't spend much time with me anymore, I barely get so see them as it is." Chandler told me, sadness laced between each word he spoke.
"Hey, well we'll go on plenty vacations together," I smiled at him.
He smiled back, "good looks."
We watched the snow for a while together. It seemed to dissipate after like a fifteen minutes, but he was still really fascinated. I love this side of Chandler, all playful and fun.
The air was filled with a very stale, burnt smell and I almost shrieked in disappointment.
"The cookies!!"
"Ahh shit!" Chandler yelled with me, I could hear the disappointment in his voice.
Chandler ran to the kitchen, as did I, and he opened up the oven as quickly as he could, letting grey smoke pouring out.
I heard him laugh uncontrollably as the smoke cleared out.
"Why are you laughing?! They smelled sooooo good, ugh!!" I pouted.
He picked me up into his arms and walked into the living room. He spun me around multiple times, still laughing uncontrollably.
"Not funny, Chandler!!"
He smiled, and kissed me.
Author's Note:An update for you all!! Love you guys (:

Speak Up: (Chandler Riggs)
أدب الهواةBridget Sawyer is a 16 year old girl who has been bullied and tormented for most of her life. Harming herself has become a daily life routine. After the death of her mother, she moves to Georgia, leaving most of her family behind. She's stuck with h...