Blast from the Past

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Perrie's POV

Zayn tugs my hand as we walk up the steps to the place. I hear the music from the party already booming.

"Ready to mix some of those drinks?" Zayn winks at me.

"That's all you bring me for," I tease.

"Not all," he says close to my ear and I giggle.

Our group is crowded around the kitchen bar and everyone shouts greetings at us as we walk up.

"I'll have a vodka tonic," Luke says to me, winking.

"Coming right up," I say, reaching for the bottle of vodka.

"Me next," Louis says.

"No, mate, she's my girlfriend," Zayn says, and the two laugh.

I work quickly, serving everyone their drinks as fast as I can. I finally slide a third beer to Harry. He pops the cap open and takes a drink, and Luke does the same. I'd say they are full on drunk, now. Someone calls my name and I turn to smile at Penny, handing her a shot of tequila and pouring myself another. We take the shot together, bursting into laughter at the burn. I chat with Penny longer and can't help but overhear the conversation in our group.

"So, what did you think of her?" Harry asks Luke.

"She's hot, man," Luke says.

Harry tenses. "What do you mean, hot?"

"Who?" Louis asks.

"No one," Harry says brushing Louis off.

"Really, though, mate, is she single? I'd take her any day," Luke says, licking his lips.

"Take her?" Harry seethed. I could see that he was trying to remain calm, but it wasn't working.

"Yeah. Any day, anywhere." Luke taunts throwing his head back laughing.

"Fuck you!" Harry yells, smashing his now empty beer bottle on the counter. Glass shatters and gasps sound throughout the room. Glass had ricocheted and hit Luke in the face--the shards left a deep gash in his cheek. Luke doubles over, gripping his cheek as blood spills out. Harry throws what is left of the bottle off to the side. Niall and Zayn rush over to help Luke.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Niall yells. I scramble for my phone, hurriedly calling for help.

"Yes, hello, I need an ambulance," I rush into the phone. "My friend has an open wound..."

"What the hell was that, mate?" Louis yells to Harry.

"He was...he..." Harry's green eyes look as if they're on fire.

"Who were you even talking about?" Louis asks exasperated.

Harry opens his mouth to say a name but I don't catch it as Zayn yells for me. "Throw me a dishrag!" He shouts. I look around frantically and quickly grab one, tossing it over the bar to Zayn.

"Don't you fucking go near her again!" Louis shouts pushing Harry square in the chest. So much is happening so fast. Harry opens his mouth to say something, but Louis cuts him off. "Stay the fuck away from her, you dirty prick!" He shouts.

"But I--"

"What? Fucking what?" Louis yells, pushing at him again.

"I love her, okay?" Harry tells him. "Fuck!"

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