Dinner Shenanigans

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"Come on, Harry," I groan into the phone. "You promised."

Harry curses under his breath. "I don't want to have to have a civilized dinner with fucking Louis--"

"It's just one dinner," I plead. "And I'll be there, as well as the rest of my family. It won't be so bad."

Harry sighs. "Fine. I'll be over at six.

I grin. "Yay!"

I put my phone down and smirk at Lottie. "I told you he'd listen to me," I say to her.

She shrugs. "Could've fooled me." She throws her own phone onto the bed and looks at me. I fumble through my drawers, tossing articles of clothing onto the bed. I look over my options and settle on a lavender and white pin-stripe blouse and high waisted shorts.

My day old curls were messy and tangled so I flipped my head over and combed them out with my fingers. My bare feet pad over to the mirror hanging on the closet door. I sit cross legged and do my makeup. I struggle to form a thin black swipe of eyeliner on each eye. I finally get the lines partially even and so I brush on some mascara. I apply some blush and I tint my lips pink.

I sit back and play with the locket around my neck. Lottie appears in the mirror behind me wearing a thin cream knitted sweater and jean shorts, her blonde hair swept into a braid. She gives me a thumbs up before flopping back down onto her bed.

I go downstairs to see if I can help Jay with dinner. She smiles at me when I walk into the kitchen. She is wearing an apron over her floral sun dress.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask her, grabbing another apron.

"Well, I have chicken that needs seasoning over there...or you could mash the potatoes. Take your pick."

I smile. "Potatoes, please."

She grins and hands me the bowl and masher. Jay muses as she marinates the chicken breast in different herbs. "That is a lovely locket, Blair."

"It was my mother's," I tell her.

Jay purses her lips. "I never met her," she says softly. "But from the photos...you look just like her."

I stop mashing the potatoes. I train my eyes on Jay. "That actually means a lot," I say. "Thank you."

"Blair, I know I'll never replace your mother," she says quietly. "But I hope you know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, I'm here for you."

I bite my lip. "Thank you, Jay," I say. "I'm glad you're here."

Jay's eyes brim with happy tears and I hug her. I am so incredibly thankful for her. Jay pulls away and wipes her eyes quickly with the inside of her arm, turning back to the chicken. "Can't get my salty tears in the food, can I?" She laughs.

"Better seasoning," I joke. She chuckles, and I continue to mash the potatoes.

Six o'clock rolls around and I hear the doorbell ring. I have no idea how Harry's going to act at dinner. I hope he'll be the playful Harry that I love and not guarded because of Louis' presence. I throw open the door, a wide smile painted on my face. I take a step back when I see Harry.

He is leaning against the wall, his hands tucked into his pockets. He still wears tight, dark jeans, but instead of his usual assorted colored and band t-shirts, he wears a crisp white button down. He shoots me half smile and stands up straight.

"Harry," I breathe. "You look great."

"I know," he smirks. He takes a step to me and his hands encircle my waist. He leans in a gives me a kiss on the cheek. I brush some unruly curls away from his face. He kisses the tip of my nose and I smile wider. "Hey beautiful."

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