Part 3

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Tanveer rushed to bring Aakheer cute angel. Asad held Dilshaad's hand to his heart and smiled looking at his mothiers eyes. Dilshaad could sense her sons joy and despair, she slowly stroked his cheek. Asad turned his head to a gurgling child and the child put his hands forward like to be picked up. Dilshaad smiled at Asad and let go of his hand. Asad reached the baby and picked him out if Tanveer's hands. Asad smiled at the baby and kissed his forehead. Asad held the Aakeer close and whispered into his ear. "Have you been good baby Aakeer miya, were you troubling ammi" Asad was smiling and was so lost in the baby that he didn't notice Zoya's bittersweet smile watching him with Aakeer. Asad was gentle with the baby and continued to shake him gently and talk to him. Zoya was pleasantly surprised with this side of Mr Khan. Watching Zoya's reaction Tanveer stepped forward to join that joyful bubble Asad and Aakeer had created. Zoya came back to reality quickly when she saw Tanveer smirk. Zoya excused herself, making an excuse of calling her appi. Asad watched Zoya almost sprint out the room. He handed Aakeer back to Tanveer and left the room as well. Asad watched Zoya ran down the stairs and bang her room door. No, he couldn't stop her then and definitely not now.

Later that night, Tanveer playing the perfect daughter in law was in the kitchen preparing supper. "I have to do something quick, I cannot afford Dilshaad getting better that will just ruin my plans" said Tanveer to herself. She slowly pulled out bottle of arsenic and began adding it to Dilshaad's food. I will have to up the dosage now and get rid of her quickly. Zoya this is all your fault, if you hadn't shown up, khala would have been tortured slowly until she signed the papers and then I would have stopped all this and allowed her to recover. But no Zoya you had to come back and ruin everything. But not worries one problem at a time. I got rid of you the first time I can always get rid of you now Zoya whilst Tanveer was having a mental conversation and she didn't notice Zoya enter the kitchen. "Thinking of me Tanveer, cause that evil look could only mean you thinking of me" asked Zoya a little too sweetly. "Please Zoya, my life doesn't revolve around you" said Tanveer. "Oh really!" smirked Zoya and continued "from where I am standing, you look like you are trying very hard to take my place". Tanveer shot Zoya daggers from her eyes. Zoya laughed "anyway, from now on, you do not have to worry about ammi and Najma, I will take care of them" and saying that Zoya threw away the tray of food that Tanveer was "working" on. "I will take care of my family" said Zoya setting another tray. Tanveer was furious all her efforts literally down the drain. No Zoya, thought Tanveer, allow me to strike back. Tanveer smiled sweetly and shouted "Jammy, supper is served". Asad steps out of his room holding Aakeer, he looks at Zoya, and Zoya looks at that adorable picture. But soon recovers and carries the tray to Dilshaad room. Asad's eyes is still stuck on Zoya, Tanveer is now furious first her dosage for Dilshaad got thrown away and now this Zoya getting all of Asad's attention. "Jammy, supper" said Tanveer sweetly. Asad snapped out of his trance. "Did Najma and Miss Faroo..Zoya have supper" asked Asad. "No Jammy, they will eat with khala. Zoya took their tray up now. I guess she didn't want you with them. Never mind Jammy, come have dinner" said Tanveer. "No thanks Tannu, I am not hungry, you carry on" replied Asad carrying Aakeer into his room. Asad places the baby on the bed and goes to closet. He pulls out the ear ring. Zoya's ear ring that he always had with him. Asad gently touches the ear ring. He closes the ear ring in his palm and brings it to his heart. Just then Aakeer starts crying. Asad looks and the baby and smiles sadly. He brings out a round egg like music box. And opens it. The music Zoya's music box. Asad picks up the baby and starts gently rocking him "You know Aakeer miya, you are just like her. Whenever she was upset and sad this music box calmed her down. She was in such a hurry to leave me that she forgot a most prized possession. But I kept it safely for her. Deep down I knew she would come back. I am happy she is back I wish I could tell her." Asad smiled and continued talking to the baby "she calls me emotionally challenged. I am - I could not tell her that I loved her; I couldn't express myself to make her stay. I couldn't stop her. I hurt everyone. If only I could talk to her like the way I talk to you" Asad smiled at the baby, "you don't talk back that's way it so easy". By now Aakeer was asleep. Asad gently laid him on the middle of the bed; Asad put pillows around him, kissed him on his forehead and went to check on his ammi.

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