Part 9

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"Yes, Zoya my dear, I know who your abbu is..."

Zoya was now furious, "and off course what do you want in return Tanveer, cos you can never do anything out of the goodness of your heart" shouted Zoya. Tanveer laughed "How well do you know me Zoya, I swear we could have been besties" teased Tanveer. "Cut the crap Tanveer, what do you want?" asked Zoya. Tanveer walked over to Zoya and crossed her arms and looked her in the eye "You know what I want Zoya, you have seen the property papers. I want it all. And to sure some good faith you can keep Asad" smiled Tanveer sweetly and thought although after knowing who your abbu is he wouldn't want you either, so I win either way, I have the trump card, Asad cannot stay without my darling son. Zoya watched the play of emotions on Tanveer's face. This woman never failed to surprise her. There was no way she was going to let Tanveer win even if that meant Zoya not finding her abbu. Zoya will not let Tanveer win, "this is all a game to you Tanveer isn't it" asked Zoya walking closer, "You know Tanveer, I never did know my abbu, he was my past. Do you really think I would put in past before my future, " smiled Zoya and continued Zoya "wrong move, you keep forgetting that in any game there is at least 2 players, you have played your move and now it's my turn". Tanveer was now beyond furious that her plan once again backfired "Zoya, don't mess with me you do not know what stone I am made off" growled Tanveer sticking her finger into Zoya's chest. Zoya pushed away her finger and stepped closer "Tanveer, whatever stone you made of eventually disintegrates and turns into dust " Looking at Tanveer square in eye "If I don't ruin you and turn you into dust my name is not Zoya Asad Ahmed Khan" proclaimed Zoya and walked away leaving a stunned Tanveer.

Meanwhile in at Asad's office, Asad was thinking of everything that happened all that was said and done. Everything that was said and done was hard to process but Zoya and showed him proof. He had to believe, he was never an emotional person, and he had to admit to himself that he was a fool when it came to Tanveer. But all that changes now. Zoya was right we have to think about Aakeer, that baby is innocent is all this, Asad picked and the phone and shouted "Prasad, get me lawyers in here now, yes Prasad now, it's urgent" roared Asad, it was time he actually started doing something. Whilst Asad spoke to his lawyers, Dilshaad's physio was going really well. She began walking on her own with a slight limp. The speech therapy was going even better. Dilshaad began saying full words and sentances. As per the therapist, there is nothing wrong with her speech it's just her vocal cords that have been strained from all the stress. Najma called Zoya, and relayed the news to her. Zoya was ecstatic, Dilshaad asked to speak to Zoya, Najma handed Dilshaad the phone, Dilshaad whispered "Zoya" softly, Zoya held the phone closer to her ear and said "ammi" Zoya cried out aloud. Ya Allah, what games you play thought Zoya. I just walked away from my father's empty grave, I turned down the only clue to know who he was and here you have given me an ammi that's loves me so much. What are you trying to tell me Allah Miya thought Zoya? "Zoya" whispered Dilshaad again "come home beta, just come home" Dilshaad could sense Zoya's turmoil. Zoya ended the call and cried for her fate life had dealt her. She thought of everything that happened since she came to India. Zoya was never a negative person, granted life had dealt her some serious blows but look at everything she had, and she has an ammi, 2 wonderful sisters, a jeeju and most of all a husband whom would do anything for her, No Zoya snap out of it. You are stronger than this. So what if your abbu is alive and you have reached another dead end. You just have to still looking. You cannot let Tanveer blackmail you. After Zoya self monologue to herself, she felt better. She wiped her tears and thought of the positive, ammi is getting better and now that Tanveer knows she knows she doesn't have to hide her relationship with Asad, she can finally show the world that they are husband and wife. Zoya smiled and blushed when she thought of the kiss this morning. Life may not be perfect but life is good at the moment, thank you Allah Miya whispered Zoya and made her home. Asad had also finished his meeting with the lawyers and felt confident after a very long time. He looked at the papers and now to just get them signed but how?

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