Part 20

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"I will see you later Mrs Khan, wear red" teased Asad as he walked off. Unknown to the 2 lovers, their interlude was being spied on. Razia felt everything slipping through her hands. She called a number and shouted into the phone "ZOYA HAS TO DIE TONIGHT!!"..

Zoya watched Asad drive off and smiled. She walked into the house and run to her abbu. Zoya hugged her father and whispered "thank you". Siddiqi sahib smiled and said "anything for you" and kissed her forehead. Humera was feeling a little left out and went and joined her baji and abbu's hug. Siddiqi sahib smiled with tears in his eyes that exact moment with both his arms, he could have died and went to heaven a happy man. Humera and Zoya his daughters were happy and they were in his arms. His little girls have grown up and today he will do Zoya's rukhsati and tomorrow Humera's. He offered a silent prayer of thanks to Allah. Rashid smiled at the picture in front of him and came and touched his daughter in laws heads as if blessing them. "Don't worry Siddiqi sahib, your daughters are my bahu's now and I know my son's love them alot and will always take care of them" Rashid assured Siddiqi sahib. "Abbu, mamu please leave our bhabhi's now, we have to get them ready for their sauhar's "teased Nikhat and Nuzhat "did we forget its Humera baji's Sangeet today and Zoya bhabhi's rukhsati, theres lots of preparations to be done" Humera and Zoya blushed and left the room with Nikhat and Nuzhat.

Asad couldn't believe he was climbing through another window, love makes you do crazy things. Asad was still smiling and did not see his ammi in his room changing Aakeer. Dilshaad looked at the window with a scream stuck in her throat. Her no nonsense, tehzeeb and tameez lecturing son was climbing through his room window with silly smile on his face. Dilshaad smiled, she knew that look as she was in love once, and she knew exactly what was going on. Asad froze when he saw his ammi smiling back at him. "Aakeer miya, please don't grow up to be like your abbu. Sneaking in through his window like a teenager and hiding things from his ammi" said Dilshaad to Aakeer. Asad walked forward and hugged his ammi and son "Eid Mubarak ammi ", Eid Mubarak beta" said Dilshaad kissing Asad's forehead. Aakeer was already climbing into his abbu's arms. Asad carried Aakeer and Aakeer put his head in the croak of Asad's neck and sniffed and said "ammi". Asad blushed and Dilshaad laughed, "Even my grandson knows where you were" teased Dilshaad, "How is my bahu? She is coming home today right? Is she coming straight to the function?" asked Dilshaad all in one breathe excitedly. Asad smiled and said "Ammi, breathe. She is good. She will meet us straight at the function. Siddiqi sahib wants to do a proper rukhsati for Zoya" Asad sat down and squeezed Aakeer "that is from your ammi. She misses you alot". Dilshaad sat next to Asad, Asad was looking at the ring that Siddiqi Sahib gave him, "Where did you get that from Asad" asked Dilshaad. Asad looked at his mother and said "Siddiqi sahib", Dilshaad was surprised, Asad continued "Ammi, he gave me this as shagun. This was Zoya's ammi's ring that they were to give to their son" Asad looked at his mother's surprised face and continued "Ammi, he called me beta. He hugged me in front of everyone. He even stood up for Zoya and me. Ammi, he said that tonight he will do Zoya's rukhsati. And that she will be forever with us. Ammi I really do want to believe all this for Zoya's sake. But ammi I can't help feel that he is hiding something. And it is something that could really hurt Zoya." Dilshaad could sense her son's dilemma; she stroked his hair, "Beta, sometimes you just have to give people the benefit of doubt. And some things you have to leave to fate, things will reveal its self when muqadhar wants it too. We are all muqadhar's puppets. Just let it be. Siddiqi sahib called yesterday " said Dilshaad, Asad was surprised, Dilshaad continued "He personally invited us to Ayaan and Humera's wedding. And beta, he apologised" Asad was now in shock, Dilshaad took Asad's hand in hers "beta, I never thought I would hear that ever from him. But love reduces us to anything. I truly think we should give him a chance. Zoya changed you and now she is changing her abbu. Zoya gave you are chance and I think for her you can give her abbu a chance. What we went through as family was wrong, but beta look at where it got us? Again muqadhar has a plan for everyone "smiled Dilshaad. Asad hugged his mother, she was right. Zoya was definitely something else; she was the storm that changed him, Asad Ahmed Khan, was now jumping through windows and climbing walls. Love reduces anyone to anything. Asad smiled; yes Zoya does have that gift to melt the coldest of hearts. Dilshaad picked Aakeer and said "You get ready, have to go to the venue early. Najma has left to Siddiqi mansion; she will come with the girls." Asad smiled, a statement like that would never be made before Zoya entered their lives. "Asad!" Shouted Dilshaad, Asad turned and face his ammi "get a haircut please. No wonder why Zoya calls you Wolverine" laughed Dilshaad. Asad blushed as his ammi walked out the door. Ammi, if you only know the real reason, thought Asad and stepped into his bathroom.

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