Part 22

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Zoya felt no pain just warm blood on her hands. Zoya slowly lifted her bloody hands, Asad froze, no one moved everyone was staring at Zoya...time stood still...

"RASHID!!!!" Both Dilshaad and Shirin screamed at once. Rashid slowly moved forward and Zoya got him before he fell. Asad and Ayaan ran to their abbu. They helped Zoya set him on the floor. Ayaan handed Aakeer to Zoya. Everyone was on the floor near Rashid. Dilshaad and Shirin were hysterical. Rashid looked at his family and smiled and said "This is how I always wanted to die, surrounded by my loved ones". Dilshaad shouted "Don't you dare die on us, we all need you. You still have 3 daughters to get married. Rashid, don't you dare." Shirin was hysterical. Rashid looked at his son's and held each their hands and said "take care of our family. The truth came out a little too late. I was just protecting my family." Rashid choked a little and continued "it is now your responsibility to take care of this family", Rashid held Zoya's hand "I am so sorry Zoya - all those years I have wronged you. Please forgive me. I couldn't save you then" cried Rashid. Zoya held Rashid's hand and said "No abbu. Don't apologise. All this was muqadhar ki khel. Whatever happened happened. Abbu, you gave me a family. You are my dost abbu" Rashid smiled and said "Zoya, Asad, I don't have much time left. But remember you are now the elders of this family. Take care of everyone. And Asad beta, forgive me for never being the father you needed. But know I always loved you and will always love you." Asad squeezed Rashid's hand and said "abbu" Rashid looked at his family for the last time, and his eyes finally rested on Dilshaad and he whispered still looking into Dilshaad's eyes "ya ilaha illa Allah Mohamed rasoul Allah" and closed his eyes. There was an eruption of abbu and Rashid screams at the same time. Everyone was crying over Rashid's body. Asad looked at his family and remembered his abbu's words just a few minutes ago "Asad, you are my lion. This family's eldest son, you cannot break down like this. This family and more importantly Zoya and Aakeer are counting on you as always to take care of them. This family needs their eldest son now. That son that always put this family first and is their protector". Asad knew what he had to do. Asad ran his hands over his father's eyes and kissed his abbu's hand. Asad stood up and let the paramedics take over. Asad looked around and saw the paramedics trying to save Siddiqi sahib. Asad wiped his tears and picked up Zoya who was holding Humera's hand and took them to their abbu.

Asad took Aakeer from Zoya. Zoya and Humera hugged their abbu and cried. Siddiqui sahib smiled, he felt his daughter on his chest. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at his daughters "Don't cry meri bachiyo. Smile cos you have found each other. Love each other always". Humera cried louder "Zoya, Asad - take care of my Humera please. Don't let the sins of the father ruin her life, get her married. Do her rukhsati please, fulfil my duties please I will think you have forgiven me for everything I put you through" pleaded Siddiqi sahib. Asad held Siddiqi sahib's hand and said "Humera is part of our family. She will always be taken care of and loved". Siddiqi sahib smiled and held Zoya's hand "Beta, I am sorry. I don't have more time with you and maybe that is my punishment. I could have stopped Razia but I was too weak. I am sorry beta" cried Siddiqi sahib. Zoya held her abbu's hand and said "Abbu, nothing is going to happen to you. Abbu, please. We already lost Rashid abbu. Fight abbu please" pleaded Zoya and Humera nodded agreeing with Zoya. Siddiqi Sahib smiled at his daughter, he placed their hands in each other's and said "My time is here my angels, take care of each other, and always be with each other. Remember I always will love you" And with that Siddiqi sahib took his last breath. Asad ran his hands over Siddiqi sahib's eyes like he did with his abbu. Asad stepped back and held Aakeer tighter. He looked at the sight before him. Shirin and his ammi was hanging onto each other sharing their grief for the man they loved, his sisters in Ayaan's arms being comforted an on this side Zoya and Humera comforting each other. Muqudar is the biggest joke of it all thought Asad. They had just lost their father's but they just gained a family.

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