Part 6

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We need to talk..

"No more hiding, no more lies, no more stories. Let's just put all out cards on the table and take it from there. A problem shared is a problem half solved" smiled Zoya. Asad was relieved he was down with all of this as well, he smiled back at Zoya. "Besides Mr Khan, despite our differences and views, we make a great crime fighting team. Jahapanah Bond and Miss Know it all Farooqi" Joked Zoya. Asad looked at Zoya and said "No, Mrs Jahapanah Bond" . Zoya blushed and snapped out of it. "Okay Mr Khan, first promise me no shouting, you will keep calm and listen to me before you say anything and most importantly once I am done, you will tell me what you are hiding. You have to agree to everything before I say anything" said Zoya. Asad looked at Zoya and decided no more, he was done hiding and hurting her. He wanted his Zoya back and if telling her everything meant she could trust him again he will do that. She didn't need protection like he also thought. She is his lioness, his mother was proof of just how strong Zoya is. He picked her hand and looked at the "A" that was now forever branded in her hand, he picked up his hand which had "Z" forever branded there. "Yes Zoya I promise" he whispered. Zoya let out the breath she was holding. "Okay, sit down Mr Khan, and remember I said don't speak until I am finished." Zoya looked at Asad waiting for some sort of confirmation. Asad sat down and nodded. Okay thought Zoya. From the beginning. "Okay, let me start at the beginning. I was prepared to come back with you home from Ajmer, I was ready to start my life with you. But you sudden disappearance and that note broke my heart all over again. You know how I feel about Tanveer, how I never blamed you for what happened that night I tried to explain to you, to make you see the exact kind of person she was. But I had no proof today I do. Today I have proof that the person you trusted the most even more than me, has betrayed you" Zoya stopped an looked at Asad who was in so much pain, Asad opened his mouth to speak Zoya stopped him "No Mr Khan, let me continue. By God, you will have your turn to speak. Anyway I went back to New York I moved out of appi's place and stayed on my own. I worked in a shelter for battered woman and children. This went on for a year. Until I received a letter. A letter from the man who told you my abbu was dead. Zoya showed Asad the letter.

Dear Miss Farooqi

You may not remember me, but I am the man you brought your abbu's picture too. I am the man that told you your abbu was dead. Miss Farooqi, the reason I write to is to tell you the truth. I have been living with that guilt for over a year now. Miss Farooqi, your abbu is alive. I was paid a large amount of money to tell you that lie. I know you have no reason to believe me now. But Allah, has punished me. I am dying and I want to face my maker with a guilt free conscience. I don't know how this information is going to help you, but it was woman that knows you very well. And someone that I feel had a lot to lose. You were very close Miss Farooqi to the truth about abbu. I did recognise your abbu. He is alive and in Bopal. I will try and find out more information for you. And will let you know once I do.

Allah Hafiz Miss Farooqi.

Asad was shocked. Zoya took the letter from him and continued " As usual kismet was never on my side, and I happened to arrive at this man's funeral. Just when I felt my world slipping I ran into Najma and she told me about ammi and brought me back. Ammi thought I would save her. I didn't understand that then nut now everything is clearer. When I got back and I saw ammi I was broken, she is one of the strongest women I know, she is my role model and to see her like broke me. And then by some miracle ammi gave me this letter – she must have written it when she was getting sick" said Zoya handing Asad ammi's letter.

My dearest Zoya,

I knew deep down in my heart you would come back. Let me start by saying that I am really sorry. I should have never let you go. You are the heart of my home. You are my daughter. Zoya beta, whatever happened. We cannot change. But I also wanted you to come back home. This is your home Zoya. You belong here. Everything that happened was not your fault. I am not going to defend my son. But he thought he was doing the right thing. You see Asad could never let anyone down. Once he took responsibility for that person, he stuck by them. Asad never thinks about his self, just like you. I am not going to get into that. Right now, he is heartbroken and too blinded.

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