Chapter 14

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[Damion's POV]

My alarm went off. It's Monday and it's 6:00 am. Ugh I usually wake up this early because I live further away than Seth does so we leave earlier. I turned to Seth who was still sleeping like a little baby. I decided to take a quick shower and get ready.

~15 minutes later~

I got out of the shower and decided to wake up Seth so he can take a shower or do whatever he does in the morning for school. Now that I think about it, this is my first time sleeping over at Seth's house on a school night. I got changed and woke Seth up. I woke him up the only way I knew how, by giving him a soft gentle kiss on the lips. He opened him eyes and had an adorable smile on him face.

"Morning baby!"

He looked me up and down.

"You got ready without me!?! Your no fun!"

He pouted like a little kid.

"Yea sorry. My alarm went off early and I couldn't fall back asleep so I got ready. I wanted to let you sleep a little longer before waking you up."

His grin got even bigger.

"Awe your were thinking of me! How cute!! You know I love my sleep.... You're forgiven"

He gave me a peck on the lips and went to take a shower. While he was doing that I was picking out a pair of socks. My Nike socks are very important to me and completes the outfit don't hate! Plus I look really fudging cute with them! I finally picked out a pair and Seth was already out of the shower and dressed.

"Hey Damion it's 7:10 text Sami and ask what time there going to be there at school yea?"

"Sure thing Jelly Bean!"

I texted Sami and she said she wasn't sure because her mom was still sleep.

"Hey babe you think we can pick them up and take them with us?"

"Of course let me go tell my mom."

A couple minutes later Seth came back upstairs. he looked at me and pecked my lips.

"Well okay! Haha. What did your mom tell you?"

"She said that was fine, text her and ask them if they're ready."

I type in 7384 aka Seth and my phone unlocks. I go to my messages and text Sami. After a couple minutes no response, I check to see if she has even read it. Well i guess I'll text Victoria and see if she will responds. Within a minute or so she responded.

V:Hey Damion! And okay cool. I'll tell Sami. Sorry she didn't respond she was doing her make up :p

D:No worries. We'll be there in about 5 min okay?

V:Alright cool see you then.

I look at the clock and it reads 7:18. I go downstairs and see Seth and his mom in the kitchen talking about what they were going to so after school. Seth notices me standing there. He looked at his watch and started rushing to get his things together.

"It's 7:20 we should go before were late!"

His mom grabbed her keys and drove to Sami's house. We soon picked them up and headed to school. We pulled up to Paloma.

"Are your classes in the front or the back of the school?"

"In the back, most sophomores classes are in the back."

She drove to the back of the school dropped us off, Seth gave her a kiss on the cheek and she drove out. When we got out of the car there was an instant reaction of us just hugging the girls and pecking their lips. We walking into the school holding hands and all eyes were on us.

[Seth's POV]

I noticed Ilana staring at Victoria and me, her eyes were tearing up. I couldn't help but feel bad for her but I just didn't feel the same way about her. I was in love with Damion and this was the only way to be with him and tell people we were "in a relationship" with someone. It makes things easier and I'm the type of person who says no to people. We walked over to the picnic area and sat down. My mom told me that we are't doing anything so maybe i can invite them over so we can all watch a movie at my place.

"So you guys doing anything after school?"

Damion smiled, I have a feeling he already knows I want to hang out.

"Nothing that I know of but i can ask my mom. If we don't Im only coming over if Sami goes.... I don't want to be fangirling in the corner as you guys cuddle on the couch and shit!"

Sami instantly started to laugh and let out a slight yell,

"Yas!! Lawl i would definitely do that too. I probably will still be doing that tonight haha." We all laughed because we knew how they were about Damion and my relationship. They most likely will still freakout when we cuddle during the movie though haha. The bell rang and we walked the girls to their first period. We hugged them and gave them a kiss goodbye. Then Damion and I walked to first period.

~1 hour later~

We got out of History and oh my lord today was probably the most boring lesson ever! We found the girls and we all walked to Math together. The only periods we didn't have together were first, fifth and sixth. We literally we sitting apart from each other.

~After Math~

We walked over to Mr.Rall's classand sat down in our seats. This is the only class that we had were we all sat near each other. I sat next to Victoria and the desk next to ours was Sami and Damion's desk. Today we did a lab so we all just sat there talking because we finished the lab early. In my opinion the lab was super easy.

"So did you guys ask if you were doing anything after school."

"Yeah my mom said we didn't have anything planned but I can only go if Victoria goes."

We all looked at Victoria and waited for her answer then her phone vibrated.

"There's my answer haha."

She opened the message it was her mom.

VM:Who else is going to be there besides you and Seth?

V:Sami, Damion, Seth's mom and dad

VM:Okay that's fine. Are you going straight over there or will you need a ride there?

"She said it was fine if I go, Are we going right after school or should i come after I'm done with homework?"

"I'll tell my mom that all of us are coming home together"

"Okay cool!"

V:We are going home with Seth's mom is that okay with you?

VM:That's totally fine. Have fun and be safe!

V:Okay thanks mom

"I guess we have to pick out a movie to watch haha."

After school my mom came and picked us all up. This was the first time They came over to my house so i showed them around. We walked up stairs to my room and we started our homework before going downstairs to watch The Lion King.

Samion After SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now