Chapter 25

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[Damion's POV]

I gave Seth a small smile before speaking.

"So umm we decided that... We're gonna come out."

They all looked at us with shocked expressions on their faces. It took a while for anything for them to speak. The first person to talk was Luke.

"Aren't you guy happy for them?"

I was instantly tackled by Sami in a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you guys"

She whispered in my ear.

"This is gonna be great!!"

Victoria said as her and Seth joined the hug. Soon enough all of us were in a group... Well almost all of us. I looked at Luke and he he just smiled shyly.

"Get your ass over here Luke! You are apart of this family too!"

We all bursted out in laughter as he walked over and wrapped his arms around us.

"So... What should we do today?" Luke asked.

"Whale... First I think Luke should ask Sami out again and give him the answer she wanted to tell him before." Seth said with a smirk. Sami gave him the death stare and he winked at her. And Luke... Well... Lets just say he is blushing like a retard just staring at us. He turned to Sami and began to speak.

"Sami will you go out with me? Now that all of this is cleared up...."

She nodded her head yes and Luke hugged her, picking her up. Everyone erupted in 'awe'. He put her down and the both blushed. Things are starting to work out perfectly. I sat there smiling to myself.

"Whatcha thinking about babe?"

"Just how perfect everything is right now... I honestly couldn't be happier than I am, I love all of you guys so much and I can't thank you guys enough."

We all laid down on the grass watching the clouds float across the sky. I was in Seth's arms and Sami was in Luke's.... Then something hit me... What's Victoria gonna do? Like it's fine being single.. But I don't want her singled out... I got out my phone and messaged her.

D:Sooo... Is there anyone you're interested in c;

V:Not that I can think of... Why?

D:I dunno.. Maybe I can find you someone to love...

V:Seth T...

D:Seth..? The one you've been talking to recently?

V:Yus lol... But don't worry about it kid haha I'm fine :3

I looked over at her and she smiled at me. We went back to looking at the sky till Terrell's stomach started to growl...

"Who wants 5 guys?"

And as if it was planned Sami and Victoria yelled something insync.


Luke stared at Sami as we all started laughing our asses off. And with that we all got up and went to the cars we came in. Victoria and Terrell in one car, Seth, Sami, Luke and myself in the other... Considering that the new couple wanted to be together which was quite cute to be honest. But at the same time I can't help but wonder what's going on in the other car.. Like is it quiet or are they being talkative? I mean she did meet him before we did so maybe they are catching up considering they don't talk that much unless we are around. My phone went off and I checked who it was.

V:Stop worrying Damion okay?

How the fuck did she do that? I sat there before typing away on my phone.

D:Okay.. Okay you know I'm just trying to look out for you... You know I love and care about you

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