Chapter 20

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[Seth's POV]

Well today is Friday, three school days before the year comes to an end. I'm happy but sad to see the year go. We all grew up so much through out the year. But the bright side is today is the Morp dance!! It's supposed to be like a rave this year, free food and free admission, Everything is free for sophomores today. Did i mention only sophomores are allowed to go to the dance?Not even teachers can come, just the school president and that's it! I really can't wait to go and dance with Damion and the girls. But we have to wait till 4 to go, which means we have to get through the school day first. It wont be that hard considering that we aren't doing anything in class today. Finals were over last week so all we are doing is watching movies, playing games, talking to each other and on our phones.

~At the dance~

It's about 4:20 and the dance has already started, i came a little late because i had to help my mom clean up the house. When we pulled up to the school the music was blasting, you can hear the words clearly through the building. I walked in and the only lighting that was there was strobe lights, black lights and disco lights other than that it was dark. people were wearing neon colors and white so that they would glow. Glow sticks everywhere, everyone dancing, and amazing music. Tonight is going to be awesome! I quickly found Damion, Victoria and Sami and we go to the middle of the dance floor. There was a lot of grinding going on but i didn't mind, tonight was our night and i know we are going to be doing a lot f stupid shit. But that's the point, is to have a good time and dance our hearts our so we did. At first Sami and Victoria were dancing, shaking there hips and singing along to the music, and Damion and I were dancing. Then after a while some of the girls friends came by ad stole them from us for a little bit. Marina and Victoria were grinding on each other, Sami and April were grinding on each other. There were just having a good time all together. While dancing we ran into Terrell, he seemed like he was upset but having a good time as well.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah, Tyler and I broke up yesterday though..."


"He moved to the UK, but hes coming back in 2 years, so we decided to wait until he comes back. But im not letting that ruin my night!"

"Oh im sorry, but hey lets have fun tonight. No regrets tonight!"

After that we went around just dancing like retards. Victoria and Sami came back after about like 20 or so. I explained Terrell's situation to Victoria and i asked if she could dance with him and just make him forget about Tyler. She agreed and her and Terrell started dancing. The upset in his eyes instantly faded away, he was having fun and i was glad. Everyone was dancing with someone except for me and Marina, she was waiting for Victoria and so was i. Damion was dancing with Sami the whole time unless someone stole her from him but she always came back. So Marina and i decided to dance for a little until Terrell was done. We both agreed that i would dance with Victoria for a little and she would dance with Terrell but she would eventually get Victoria. Before I knew it we were grinding, it was weird because i have never grinded and im not sure how too. She caught on and showed me how. I glanced over and Victoria and Terrell and they were grinding. I hope she grinds with me, it looks fun from Terrell's face expressions. About 10 minutes later Vivtoria came over to me and started to dance as Marina and Terrell disapear into the dark.

[Damion's POV]

We were all dancing me with my beard and Seth with his. we were grinding and to be honest Sami has a really nice butt for it too. This isn't my frist time grinding but it is Seth's first time, from what i see he is doing a very good job. He seems to be enjoing it too. Im having a lot of fun right now but its starting to get so i tell sami and we get some drinks and return to the dance floor. The dance doesn't end till 11 pm so we have a lot of time to party. I'm pretty sure this is the best dance I have ever been too. I'm actually enjoying myself it's really cool! I look over and Victoria is no longer with sett but she is with Marina, they seem to be having fun. Out of no where Seth goes up behind Victoria and started grinding basically starting a grinding line. Soon enough people were starting grinding lines everywhere. Then I see something I thought I would never see. My little brother, Jacob, slides right in between Victoria and Marina. How the fuck did he even get in here? I brush it off. At least I have something against him. Before the dance had started the four of us agreed that what happens at the dance stays at the dance, we can't bring anything up. And we can't get mad at each other at all. And that's when I went for it. I leaded down and I started kissing Sami, man were her lips soft! Our lips moved in sync. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she kindly let me French her. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. We made out for what seemed forever. After we pulled away we smiled at each other and went back to dancing.

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