Chapter 13

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[Damion's POV]

I didn't want the kiss to end. But sadly it got interrupted by Seth's mom.

"Boys, your dates are here!"

"Alright mom we'll be right there!"

"Well I guess we have to go huh?"


I grabbed Seth's hand and dragged him downstairs. Victoria's mom was kind enough to give us a ride to BJ's and drop us off.

~30 minutes later~

I thanked Victoria's mom. Everyone else thanked her mom and went into the restaurant. The kind sir sat us down at a booth. Seth sat by Victoria and I sat by Sami. I still can't believe how amazing they are. We ordered a large pepperoni pizza and strawberry lemonade all around. We started talking about school.

"So what are we going to tell people when we get to school? I mean you two told some people you were gay..... How will you explain us?"

Sami had a point. We already told our group that we were gay. We all thought for a while, then I spoke up.

"Simple we'll just explain that we're bi and not fully gay. That we figured that out when we started to fall for you two."

They both smiled and started to laugh. Seth looked and me. He looked confused.

"I don't get it.... What's so funny?"

The kept laughing then answered at the same time.


Then Victoria explained.

"Meaning Seth and Damian the cutest couple alive!"

It made me feel warm inside knowing how they felt about us being together. I mean I knew we were pretty fudging adorable but this is a whole new level. Maybe next year we will come out. But I want to stay friends with them. We finished eating and went across the street to the movie theater. We were getting drinks then we saw Terrell holding hands with some guy. I quickly grab Sami's hand and Seth did the same with Victoria. Then I called his name.


He turned around embarrassed.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?"

I can tell he noticed us holding hands with the girls.

"We're on a double date. What are you doing here?"

"I'm on a date too... Guys this is Tyler... Tyler this is Seth, Damion, Sami aand Victoria."

We waved at Tyler, he smiled. Then Victoria started talking to him.

"Dang Terrell he's cute, were'd you snag this one?"

Tyler started blushing it was adorable.

"We met at starbucks, he needed ten cents and i gladly gave it to him. He asked for my number and he have been talking non stop since then."

I didn't expect Tyler's voice to be that deep... Then again Terrell's voice is pretty deep too.

"So what movie did you fine gentalmen come to see?"

Ugh its so cute when Seth tries to speak 'propper'. Terrell answered in his deep voice.

"We came to see the lego movie. What about you guys?"

"We came to see the lego movie too lawl."

"You guys wanna sit with us? I don't mind if you guys do, do you Terrell?"

Tyler is so nice om my gosh!!

"Not at all.. What do you guys say? It will be a tripple date haha... On that thought.."

Oh no it was coming. I was hoping to avoid this but we just had to run into Terrell. I mean there's nothing wrong with Terrell or anything I love him like a brother but I knew he was going to ask us questions about it.

"I thought you guys said you were gay, no offence or anything but I was thinking you two would end up going out with eachother if anything. I mean I know that's what Victoria and Sami thought."

Seth quickly answered with confidence.

"When we came out we thought we were gay. But then Mr.Ralls sat me next to Victoria and Damoin next to Sami. The more we started talking to them the more we fell for them, so we decided to ask them out. We figured maybe we weren't fully gay and we were bi... So yeah, were bi haha.."

I nodded.

"What about you Terrell I thought you were straight, but here i see you holding hands with a really nice guy."

"I was going to tell you guys but i didn't want to lose repect at school so i kept it to myself until Tyler told me he was gay and it made me feel better so I maned up and told him i was gay too."

"Well I've got an idea... Why don't we all keep this tripple date to ourselves for now and maybe after the movie we can all go to starbucks or something? And you know maybe Terrell and i can catch up and we can all get to know Tyler better?"

Sometimes i can't help but feel that Victoria and Sami have done this before. Like seriously they are extremely good at keeping their feelings out of the relationship and just keep it focused on us two... But I don't know if I'll eb that good at it... I know sooner or later I'll End up falliong for one of them and Seth will too. But Seth and I were meant to be. Even Sami and Victoria think so.... Like they say 'Samion 5EVA' Our love is meant to last, so I will be willing to stick it out to the end if Seth is willing to too. We all went into the theater and sat down in the back row. We sat next to each other but Sami and Victoria made us sit next to eachother se we could sneak a kiss or two in there during the movie. Terrell looked over at us then 'adjusted' us. He grabbed Sami and my hand then made us hold hands. He did the same to Victoria and Seth. I'm not gonna lie... I feel a little weird right now because it feels like Terrell is trying to 'shoe' us how to have a relationship.

~a couple hours later~

We got out of the movie. Man was it funny! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. I'm pretty sure that my laugh made the rest of them laugh because when I started to laught they started laughing after me. Oh well haha. We made out way to Starbucks and ordered our drinks. We ended up sitting outside on the padio talking for about two hours. We talked about how Terrell's been over the years and we got to know Tyler a whole lot better. He goes to Herritage near where Victoria's dad lives... Her dad literally lives down the street lawl. Tyler's in dance because he isn't really the sporty type. He's also in drama and is a really good singer. Tyler broke out in song. This was the night i learned Victoria can actually sing. No wonder why she was in advanced choir in middle school. I mean she diserved to be in there. Victoria and Tyler sang "Terrible Thimgs" and "Miserale at Best" by Mayday Parade. They sounded really good together. They should do the talent show! A couple more hours passed and it was 12:30 am.

"Victoria do you think your mom will mind that we were staying out this late?"

"Nah she said to call her before one so were good. i should probably text her and tell her were ready though, so she'll get her by around one."

Terrell looked at his watch.

"Oh shit i didnt know it was this late already. I think we should go Tyler. I'll text you guys later we should really do this again. This was really fun!"

"Sounds like a plan. Maybe next weekend or something. Nice meeting you Tyler!! Great singing with you too haha."

We all said our good-byes. Victoria's mom got here and drove us back to Seth's house and them to Sami's house. It was really quiet because we were all tired. Soon we fell asleep in the car. Sami fell asleep on my chest and Victoria fell asleep on Seth. It seems everytime we all hang out it gets better and better. I started dozing off. I soon fell asleep.

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