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Me and You

Cat's POV

I am in complete and utter shock as the door swings open, revealing the 6 foot male I haven't seen in 2 months. You may think two months isn't that long, but I swear to God it feels like forever. 

"Hey Mrs. Steel," Grayson says, as he reaches in for a hug. Holy fuck, he's so damn hot. I push away the thought and give him a smile. 

"Cat." He says softly, pulling me into the tightest hug. He still smells the same. My face is practically buried in his chest, so I might as well take the chance and inhale his essence. 

He finally lets go, at this point we're already in the house. It's kind of awkward but at the same time it feels like I just reunited with my best friend. 

I guess this is phase one huh - this is what I'm feeling, and the person it's for is Grayson. 

He just looks me in the eyes and we just stand there for about 4 minutes before he finally breaks and says, "It's been forever." He smiles, pulling me into another hug. Surprised, I hug him back. 

This has been going on for longer than it should, so I let go first and say, "Yeah it has." I smile then walk towards the living room. 

There he is, crisscrossed on the carpeted floor, wrapping a box. Sweatpants and a black sweater, Ethan looks up at me and practically jumps up. Instead of hugging me, he tugs me towards the hallway, away from everyone. He grabs my face and smashes his lips onto mine. 

After his lips leave mine, I open my eyes and he's still holding my face. 

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that." I smile, still in confusion about my feelings. You know, after two months you'd expect me to have this shit all figured out. But here I am, mind-fucked by my own feelings and completely lost. 

I can only smile at Ethan and let out a weak, "It's been forever." We go back to the living room and Ethan is now walking in front of me, myself behind him. I'm looking down at my hands, not really in the mood because of my feelings. A pain hits my right shoulder and I look up. 

"Shit, sorry." Grayson says, rubbing my right shoulder, attempting to remove the pain. 

"Damn, one strong ass shoulder for me to feel pain like this." I try to rub my shoulder, forgetting that Grayson's hand was on it because we locked eyes. My hand is now on top of his. 

"Cat, have you thought of me while I was gone?" He asked, a look of hope and sadness in his eyes. 

"Yes, Gray. I've thought about you the whole time while you were gone. But I've also thought about Ethan. And I have no reason to keep anything from you, he just kissed me." I say, removing my hand off of his and putting it in my back pocket. 

"Cat I love you." Grayson finally says. 

"I love you too Grayson, I really do." What the hell am I saying? 

We head to the living room and I sit near Cameron, away from the boys. A knock comes from the door. Ethan gets up to open it.

That's weird, whenever someone knocks, Ethan usually isn't the first in favor to get up and answer. 

I hear an unfamiliar voice, an unfamiliar female voice. I'm too shaken to look at who it is, so I distract myself by wrapping more gifts. I continue wrapping the gift til I hear Cameron say, "What the fuck." I can't help but look up to see this 5 foot brunette standing near Ethan. She's wearing leggings and a sweater and UGGs. Who is she? 

"Well hey there Alissa! It's nice seeing you again honey." Lisa says, getting up from the couch to give her a hug. 

I look the other way and see Grayson coming to sit near me. 

"Who is that?" I ask, not taking my eyes off Ethan and the girl. 

"Not my place to tell you. I don't get why Ethan would lock lips with you if he already had a girlfriend." Grayson says. 

"A girlfriend?" I'm not as hurt as he'd expect me to be, because Ethan and I were never official, and Grayson and I were only on a break. But I feel myself getting a little hot, I wipe my right brow and continue wrapping the gift, which not to mention looks like complete shit due to the lack of concentration. 

I kind of feel like shit knowing I spent more time buying Ethan's gifts than I did with Gray's. I'm not gonna take it back though, Ethan will still get his gifts. I tug Grayson's hand and lead him to the kitchen. 

"Woah so do you wanna kiss me now?" He smirks. 

"Dream on Grayson." I laugh a little. 

"If I'm not here to kiss you what am I here for?" He asks. 

"How long has that been going on?" I ask, kind of scared of his explanation. 

"After we left to L.A, we went to a party that was hosted by a few of our friends. They also invited some girls and we were all having a great time. I wasn't in the mood to drink, probably because my thoughts about you, but Ethan did drink. No idea why but he did. He wasn't full on drunk, I'd say the tiniest bit tipsy, so yes, he was aware of his surroundings and his actions. A brunette girl plopped herself right next to him on the leather couch, and started making small talk. Asked him how he was, what his favorite color was, and if he was single. Surprisingly, he said it was 'complicated' and ended up telling her the story of our little love triangle. So yeah, she knows you. Fast forward a little bit they continued to text after the party. Then they started FaceTiming each other. I guess Ethan fell for her but his feelings for her were blurred because of his feelings for you. I think he totally forgot she was also coming over to wrap gifts. She doesn't live in Jersey, her aunt does and her entire family is here for the holidays. Call it a coincidence but I have no idea who invited her here." At this point Grayson's not taking his eyes off me. I am so confused so I just put my elbows on the counter and bury my head in my hands. 

"Hey," He grabs my wrist with his hand. "It's alright." He pulls me into another, huge, hug. I hug him back. 

"It's funny because to choose between you, I was waiting for one of you to make a bad choice." I said. 

"Does this mean it can be me and you again? I won't propose, I promise." I laugh a little at that. 

"Yes Grayson, it does mean it can be me and you. But I need to talk to Ethan." He agrees and we go back to the living room. 

Me and you. 


a/n: this is a pretty fucked up storyline. but anyways did any of you get e or gray's follow during their follow spree? i didn't but it's alright. comment down your thoughts on what cat's choosing to do and please vote! i'll be back with another chapter on tuesday. 

- peace

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