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a/n: I've decided to alternate between POVs every chapter, maybe adding a little of cat/Gray's perspectives depending on the storyline. no idea where the story's going but hope y'all enjoy this chapter ;') 


Ice Cream Dates

Grayson's POV

I find it odd that Cat's been thinking about me. I mean, when I left to L.A I was sure her feelings were for Ethan. I didn't see us working again, sounds like a bad thing but I was on the edge of losing hope. But I could never just start talking to another girl, even if we were on bad terms. 

I'm not saying Ethan played her, I guess his emotions are softer than mine, and he just needed a distraction. It looks like he and Alissa played it off well. I like Alissa, she makes my brother happy. And not to mention, gives me a chance to be back with the love of my life. 

I look up from the couch and my eyes widen as I see Cat make her way towards Ethan and Alissa. I tail her in case anything out of the ordinary happens, even though I highly doubt Cat would do anything like that. 

"Hi, I'm Catherine." She reaches out her hand. 

"Hey! I'm Alissa, but you can call me Ali." She smiles and shakes her hand. 

"You can call me Cat." Cat gives her that million dollar heart eye smile. 

Damn, she's so beautiful. 

"Grayson," I snap out of my thoughts. 

"Hm?" Cat's on the verge of laughing. 

"Ethan asked you if you wanted to go out for ice cream." 


Ethan drives, Alissa in the front seat, Cat and I are in the back. Honestly, it wasn't as awkward as I expected it to be. 

"Are you down to mix flavors?" I nudge Cat. 

"Hell yeah." She smiles, probably at the thought of our tradition when we first started dating. Since then we've always mixed flavors whenever we went out for ice cream. 

I grab her hand, it's pretty cold. I see her smile a little from the corner of my eye. 

Cat's POV

It was getting kinda cold in the car, and my legs were getting goosebumps every 3 fucking minutes because I was wearing ripped jeans. It's way too embarrassing to say out loud, so I whisper, "Gray my legs are cold. Where are the sweats I left in here when you tried to fuck me but I wasn't ready?" I can't help but burst out laughing at the memory where he yanked my sweats off and I pushed his huge body off of me, we ended up going out for ice cream that night and laughing at it, well me laughing at him. 

"Shh. Not so loud. Besides admit you wanted me that night." He smirks. 

"Fuck off Grayson, you were so disappointed because you wanted me." I smirk back. 

"Whatever, they're in the back." He rolls his eyes. I bend over to reach for it, but it's too far. I feel someone's hand on my ass, then I feel my body falling towards the back. 

"Fuck you Grayson!!" I yell. Ethan practically hits the breaks. I laugh out loud. Grayson does as well. 

"Sorry, E. She's being a drama queen." He looks towards me. Alissa lets out a little laugh. 

"No no, I'm sorry Ethan. He only pushed me back here because he wants to fuck me." I smirk. Alissa bursts out laughing. 

"Not even close." Grayson laughs. I quickly slide off my jeans and put on the gray sweats. We finally reach the ice cream place. My hair is now a mess, so I let it go. 

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful your hair is?" Grayson whispers. 

I open the car door and go out after him. 

"Yes Grayson, all the time." I smile. Ethan grabs Alissa's hand and leads her into the place. Surprisingly, Grayson does the same. We all sit down in the booth, Grayson near me and Ethan and Alissa in front of us. Grayson goes up to order our flavors and Alissa goes to use the restroom, now it's just me and Ethan. 

"You never told me you had a girlfriend." I said quietly. 

"I know Cat, I'm sorry but I can ex-" 

"No, it's okay. As long as you're happy, I won't interfere with your relationship. It'd just be nice if you told me you were in a relationship before you basically planted your lips onto mine." I said. 

"I just, I don't know. I really like her. I'm sorry for kissing you."

"It's okay, Ethan. Really. Besides, me and Grayson are working things out anyway." 

"Really? That's good then. What do you think of her?" I raise an eyebrow. 

"What do I think of her? She's gorgeous, Ethan. And her laugh is adorable. I'd like to get to know her." Grayson comes with four cups of ice cream. Alissa returns just in time. As we're eating our desserts, Alissa asks me some questions about myself. 

"How long have you and Grayson been together?" I choke on my ice cream. While struggling to compose myself, Grayson shoves his phone on my lap, it says, "I told her we were dating while I was in L.A." 

I finally compose myself and say, "Oh- 10 months. I'm sorry, I choked. We took a break when he left to L.A, but if we're counting that, then 12." I smile. 

I turn my phone on to check the time, my screen displays the time, then the date shows up below. 

December 13, 2017.  3 more days til the boys turn 18. 

"What are you getting Ethan for his birthday?" I ask, smirking towards Ethan. 

"Can't say it here, but I have ideas. Why don't we go shopping for Ethan and Grayson's presents together tomorrow?" I say yes, of course. 

Me and Grayson switch and mix flavors, and he gets a little ice cream on his nose. I wipe it off. 

"You're such a messy eater." I say, as I wipe the light shaded pink cream on his cute little nose. 

Alissa and Ethan laugh in agreement. After finishing up, we head back home. I yawn during the ride home. Grayson's arm is now around me, so I lay my head on him and close my eyes. 

Today was a good day. 


a/n: i cannot keep myself from writing chapters. but i guess you guys have another update, here's chapter 8. aghh it's going somewhere i feel. anyways hope you guys enjoyed it, at least a little bit. 

- peace 

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