The Dens

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Her wailing was quickly becoming grating. The child's mother, Eva, was sobbing into her mate's shoulder, inconsolable. The alpha female was knelt by the pair, saying pitiful words of comfort, but she found herself ignored.

Lucus moved from where he stood in the shade and made his way over, aware of the sickly pallor of his skin, the deep frown set on his harsh features. "Isa," he said, a great weight bearing down upon his shoulders.

The other alpha looked up and stood, pursing her lips into a tight frown. "What's the news from the trackers?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she touched his arm where a faded scar lay.

His expression only grew grimmer. "They tracked the boy to her territory. Under the wall and into the forest." He looked over to the forlorn pair, unable to hold his gaze there for long. "I'm so sorry, Eva, Marcus."

Eva's weeping was renewed, while the young man, Marcus, just stared at the ground. Paralyzed with grief. Tears brimming. The other members of the pack that had come to hear news of the child turned their heads away, whispers passed, and crocodile tears shed. Isa steeled herself and turned her chin up.

"Surely, for the sake of a child, we could make a deal with her? We could negotiate, ask for temporary entrance to her territory?" she said, her expression pained.

He shook his head, clenching his jaw. His fingers traced the lines of his old wound as they often did, baring his teeth at the memory. "The woman is as cruel as she is mad. I won't risk the safety of our warriors for a child that's probably already dead."

It was then that he regretted his words. Isa had a finger pressed to his throat, eyes narrowed. "He's a child! Luc! He is a small, innocent pup. If it were one of our children then you would spare no expense; you would tear down the world for them," she hissed between gritted teeth.

Before the other alpha could reply, a chorus of howls erupted from beyond the hills. Everyone was on edge, heads turned to the sky as they listened.

"An intruder," someone whispered.

Padding footsteps approached, hurried, panicked. Three wolves emerged, shifting into their human forms. The largest of the trio, a tall man with tightly curled hair and loose-fitting cloths dropped to a kneel, baring his neck to the alpha pair. "Forgive me, Alphas. The rogue slipped past our defences. She's near and will be here soon," he said, a wild quality to his wide eyes. Fear.

Lucus took a step towards him, his lip curling into a scowl. "Stand and stay near us in case of trouble," he ordered. The man nodded and pushed himself to his feet.

The congregation was silent, which was odd for the usually rambunctious lot. Everyone was listening, smelling. A tension in the air. Three more howls followed, each louder than the last.

A gush of wind raced between the buildings, whistling and kicking up dust. It wasn't just the empty sound that unnerved them, it was the odour it carried. A biting hint of ash layered by the sweetness of rosemary and leather. Her smell.

It only continued to grow stronger, but then, like a dim light in a storm, another scent met his nose. It was stale with fear, but light and familiar.

"My son! She- she has our son!" Eva exclaimed, turning to her mate and gripping his shoulder. Her knuckles were white as they exchanged expressions.

"The monster," Lucus spat, his nose crinkling, "she's here to come gloat!" Isa rubbed his back in comfort, but if the pair got into an altercation, her actions would mean nothing. If they escaped this without bloodshed, it would be a miracle.

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