The Spy

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Felix had been shooting them odd looks the entire walk back to the inn. It was increasingly awkward and Helena kept looking to Adrian for help, but the man was equally as uncomfortable and his eyes were firmly focussed on the ground in front of him.

"Enjoy the summit today you two?" Felix brought up, with a slight undertone of impatience to his voice.

Helena turned her head to the side, her eyes meeting his for an instant. Her resolution began to falter, and she scowled slightly.

"It was...enlightening. I'll tell you more once we're back. Adrian, you've got a single room, don't you? Can we use it?" She said.

The tall man's head turned and he stared down at the shorter pair. He looked tired from the talks, his skin slightly pallid and his eyes beginning to take on a red tint.

"Alright, but make it quick," he replied, suppressing a yawn. "I'm tired so I would like to actually get some sleep before the vampires start their commute."

When they reached the Lonesome Succubus, they dragged their bodies upstairs, Felix and Helena following Adrian as he led them towards his room.

"Welcome to my abode," he said, holding the door ajar and waving an arm toward the box room beyond. Felix and Helena crammed inside, Helena pulling off her boots and sitting on the mattress as if she owned the place. Felix perched at the other end wringing his hands, while Adrian locked the door and took his place between them.

"So..." Felix began, linking his fingers and sending a sidelong glance to the duo.

Helena cleared her throated, scratching the side of her nose.

"Well, this...this is going to take a while to explain," she said, scrunching up her nose.

"The sooner you start talking, the sooner it'll be over," Felix returned, meeting her gaze.

Helena continued to shift with a disconcerted air, shuffling back against the wall, grabbing Adrian's pillow and holding it to her chest.

"I'm a bad person Felix. I don't mean that in the self-deprecating way. I know I'm bad, I accept I'm bad, but I don't think you realise quite how awful I am." She took a deep breath. "My name was once Helena Angor. I was raised to kill, to maim, to plunder, but I regret it. I despise what I was brought up to be, and after the Angor were destroyed I forsaken my name and became a rogue. For years I laid low, occasionally travelling, but otherwise living in anonymity. Unfortunately, the Angor are trying to return, funded by a group of power-hungry Alphas."

The room was silent as Felix just listened, his brow furrowed. He tilted his head forward with a slow care.

"I see," he said, his voice overly calm.

Helena glanced to Adrian for assurance and he reached out, brushing his fingers over her hand.

"Tell him about your dilemma," Adrian murmured.

"Under no circumstances will I allow the Angor to return Felix. I saw the chaos, the pain they caused first hand and I won't allow the world to return to that state, even if I die in the process. Lately, I've been digging, trying to find out more and I've discovered the names of several wolves that wish to use the Angor to circumvent the Pariter treaty. I visited an old friend of mine and asked him for his help; he's not the most lawful of men, but he is invested in the cause and will be providing a spy to me to find out more. That's why you smelt vampire on me this morning."

The room was deathly silent, only the sound of voices from downstairs filling the pungent air.

Felix took a shaking breath.

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