The Race

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They continued walking and talking for about an hour, carefully dancing around the subjects of packs and Helena's past. She wasn't even sure if she'd accept him as a mate yet. There were so many things about the situation that she was uncomfortable with. He certainly wasn't going to abandon his pack for an almost stranger, leaving her with an ultimatum. Reject him and continue her life on her land or travel up north with the Montis pack to pursue a relationship with the man. Neither option seemed particularly desirable. She hated packs, but at the same time it seemed like the opportunity for a change. Boredom or constant annoyance? A difficult choice.

Eventually, they reached the limits of the Fengari land, looking down upon the scrubs below from their elevated position. Helena hummed and turned to her quiet companion.

"There's a crescent moon tonight. Do you fancy a run?" she suggested.

He looked at her with surprise and nodded. "Yes, that sounds good. I haven't stretched my legs in quite a while with all this travelling we've been doing," he agreed.

She put on a wolfish grin and pointed to a tree far in the distance. "How about a race?"

He returned the grin, a feral excitement appearing on his bland features. "Sounds wonderful."

They both counted down from three and began sprinting, shifting seamlessly as they both skidded down the slope at break neck speeds. He was larger than her, that much she knew from the heavy thuds of his strides, his shadow casting a large blot on the coarse, dried sands. Despite his longer gait, she was equally matched to him, her smaller size and well used muscles allowing her to move her legs fractionally faster. They were quickly approaching the tree and she powered forward into a flat out sprint, just as he did the same thing. Both of them skidded past the tree at the same time, slowing to a halt. Both wolves were panting heavily. They wondered under the tree and collapsed in the shade, trying to eek out as much coolness from the ground as they could.

Helena rested her head on her paws, scrutinising Adrian's wolf form. He was off white in colour, his eyes the same startling electric blue as before. His fur was marred by small patches of darker hair on his sternum and legs, giving him an almost speckled appearance. Currently, he was panting heavily and watching her in return. Obviously, he wasn't used to the temperatures out here and was struggling to cool himself adequately.

Once the thrill of the run had worn off, Helena shifted, laying on her back to absorb more of the ground's pleasant temperature.

"Hoo! That was a good race. I haven't sprinted like that in months. You're not too bad for a pack wolf," she said, stretching out and easing the tension in her muscles.

The sound of a sigh told her that he'd also shifted. "I'm surprised by your speed, Helena. I know few wolves that could draw with me head to head. Well, bar maybe Ed."

She turned her head to the side, watching him with quirked lips, allowing a slither of teeth to show.

"I am no pack wolf, Adrian," she purred, leaning closer to him, "I don't think you quite understand. I have killed people before, our own kind. I have given alphas scars. I scare the locals, so much so that I am a horror story in these parts.

"If you decide that I am worth pursuing then you will have a hard time. I am not nice, or kind. I will not fall madly in love with you because fate has decided we are mates and nor do I expect that from you either. I will growl, bite and be a general pain in the rear. I doubt I will get along with your pack and don't be surprised if I pick fights as well. Now. If that is what you want then I suggest you say so, if not, you are free to walk back to that village and forget I exist."

His stance was suddenly unsure. Features hard. The frown and the slight flickering of his gaze told her that he was deep in thought. He drew in a deep breath and released an almighty sigh, finally getting to his feet and brushing off his trousers.

Helena felt a stab of fear as she followed his movement. Would he really leave her? She knew that any sane wolf would after that little speech, but still she had hoped that maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be afraid of her like so many others. Just as he began walking she closed her eyes and turned her head away, fighting back the inevitable disappointment.

Then something unexpected happened.

Instead of growing quieter, the footsteps grew louder and she heard scraping from the ground beside her as Adrian sat himself to her left. She opened a single eye and peered up at him.

"Why are you giving me that look?" She asked quietly as she noticed the soft smile on his lips.

He silently held out his hand towards her, palm facing the sky. "I'm not going leave you out here alone. That's why," he replied. "You might be a bit of a scary wolf, and I might have a hard time of getting to know you, but fate has a reason for these things. I don't have any expectations for what is between us, but not too long ago I thought that I would be alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to walk away from you. I want to see where this path will take me. Whether for better or for worse."

Helena closed her eyes a second time and pursed her lips as she went over his words. There was no lie there. His face was expressive, every emotion painted there like a delicate watercolour. He was telling the truth. Every word of it.

She raised her hand and searched out his, clasping his hand in her own. Beneath her calloused skin, his hands were warm and smooth, highlighting the great contrasts between them. The beta and the rogue. Despite that, he squeezed her hand in return.

"You are well and truly mad," she announced, "but then again, what was I expecting? No deity in their right mind would match me with someone sane." She pushed herself into a seated position with her spare arm. "Adrian. This cannot go well, but I won't ask you to change your mind. It saves me an ultimatum that way.

"I will follow you back north to your home. There is little here for me I suppose. Just trees and dust. Perhaps the change will do me good and I might even get to see some of this snow that you've been going on about."


I hope you enjoyed the update. This hasn't been thoroughly checked for mistakes, so if you notice any, please leave a note for me. As always votes, constructive criticisms and comments are welcome.

Have a wonderful day.


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